Monday, August 18, 2008


This morning's Hernando Times had an article that highlighted the judicial candidates f0r Group 11 of 5th Judicial Circuit. Candidates, Ric Howard and Rhonda Portwood apparently have turned an usually quiet judicial race into a real confrontation for this seat.
Apparently, Ric Howard threw the first proverbial "rock" by minimizing Ms. Portwood professional credentials early in the race. Rhonda Portwood then criticized Ric Howard for what she perceives as harsh and undo punishment in his courtroom.
After watching Ric Howard in action at last week's Hernando County Chamber Forum, it is very apparent that the tensions in this race run very high. Ms. Portwood was unable to attend this event and was strongly condemned by Ric Howard during his remarks. Mr. Howard's appearance at this forum took on the tone of arrogance and reeked of a self-serving attitude that did not appear to bode well with many in the public.

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