Monday, July 28, 2008

Party Affliation

The deadline to register or change your party affiliation for the primary election is today at 5 p.m. Florida is a closed primary state which means that you must be registered with one of the major parties in order to receive that party's ballot in a primary election. If you are registered non-party affiliation, your ballot will contain only non-partisan races in the primary.
Hopefully, no one decided to jump on this local rendition of "Operation Chaos" to throw the results of our Republican Primary Election.
Hernando County Taxpayer's Alliance, with the assistance of local talk radio, has been promoting the idea of swaying the primary election, by having democrats, and the non-party affiliated, change their party status to skew the results of this partisan race for Republicans. Their flawed logic is, 'if your candidate of choice does not get elected in the primary, than you have no one to vote for in the general election'.
It is kind of ironic that these are the same individuals that railed on Senator Paula Dockery last spring for her legislative attempt to have Florida become an open primary state...

Gov's endorsement

Governor Charlie Crist has officially endorsed Ginny Brown-Waite in her bid for re-election to the U.S. House of Representative. Governor Crist was quoted as saying, "I am honored to endorse Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite for Florida's Fifth Congressional District. I know Ginny to be of the character and integrity necessary to serve as a member of Florida's Congressional Delegation. Her commitment to public service is apparent in her dedication to the citizens of her district and her steadfast loyalty to reflecting their values in her work."
Way to go, Ginny!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

First, best, class ever

Well, it looks like one of my fellow members of Hernando Leadership Class 2003 has high aspirations. Judge Stephen O. Rushing has submitted an application for two open vacancies on the Florida Supreme Court. Steve is one of 50 statewide that made Friday's deadline to submit an application.
It will be interesting to see if Steve has an inside tract to Governor Charlie Crist since they both were raised in St. Petersburg. Steve served as a judge in Pinellas County before moving to Brooksville with his family over six years ago. Steve was employed as an attorney with SWIFTMUD before Governor Jeb Bush appointed to his current position of Hernando County judge in 2004. Steve has since been re-elected to that judicial position.
Mickie Smith, CEO of Oak Hill Hospital, who was the cheerleader of the 2003 Leadership Class, dubbed us "the first, best, class ever" and this title certainly applies to Judge Stephen O. Rushing. Good luck, Steve!

Friday, July 25, 2008


In this morning's Hernando today article, titled "Candidates cough up..." the reporter is attempting to imply Lauralee Westine is trying to influence an election,with her campaign contribution to Commissioner Stabins. This veiled implication of Ms. Westine is a real stretch of this newspaper's imagination.
Lauralee Westine is a strong, conservative republican. In fact, my husband and I ran into her at the Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee dinner that hosted Rudy Giuliani last fall. Yes, we went to another county and spent money to support our candidate of choice in Pinellas County, just like Ms. Westine has done by spending her money with the Stabins campaign, another strong conservative republican.
It looks like the Hernando Today is attempting to make news, instead of reporting the news!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Spring Hill Fire Commissioner, Leo Jacobs was quoted in this morning's Hernando Today as saying, "The county's score is incremented and I don't want people to be misled. The eastern region of the county does not have the same ISO rating". Mr. Jacobs was talking about the Hernando County Fire Rescue's new ISO rating.
I find it very ironic that Mr. Leo Jacobs, a Spring Hill Fire Commissioner is more concerned with truth in advertising than the Hernando County Fire Rescue about this new ISO. The public needs to be aware that anyone not located within a five mile radius of a HCFR station will not see a reduction in their homeowner's insurance because our ISO has not changed in these areas.
Thank you, Mr. Jacobs for making sure the public is aware that this new rating for HCFR does not include their entire district. It needed to be stressed that those of us who live in the rural eastern section of Hernando County are not affected with these new rates and our ISO still remains at 9 or higher...

Era of Jeff Webb

Over the last several quarters, Media General has been restructuring their Tampa Bay investments. Media General is the parent company of the Tampa Tribune/Hernando Today. These changes at Media General are a trend for the majority of print media across the nation. In fact, about a month ago the St. Petersburg Times indicated that they would be streamlining their operations by offering incentive packages to their senior staff. Most major newspapers are now online for the convenience of their readers and are under going dramatic changes in the way they do business to the public.
A streamlining, incentive package has been offered to, and accepted, by Hernando Times, Editor of Editorials, Jeff Webb. Mr. Webb said they (the Times) dangled a very irresistible carrot to persuade him into early retirement. After 30 years in the newspaper business, Mr. Webb intends to kick back and relax while he explore his options. Jeff is calling his upcoming departure from the Hernando Times his "first retirement" before he embarks on a new career.
It will be sad to see the era of Jeff Webb editorial columns come to an end in the Hernando Times. While Jeff's wit over the years has been a delight to some, others have bristled at the very mention of his name which only proves that he did his job extremely well as the editor of editorials for the Times.
Good luck, Jeff, in the next chapter of your life!


Did you see the photo of Diane Rowden in this morning Hernando Times, practicing as an amateur mermaid for an upcoming fundraiser at Weeki Wachee Springs? Can everyone say, "Oh Mah Gawd" in unison, please? May we suggest, Diane, you just write a check to this fundraiser because your temporary position as a mermaid is not a very flattering picture...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Critical element

From all the grumbling of local candidates, it looks like Annie Williams' office is having trouble once again. At least four candidates have attempted to pick-up absentee labels over the last several days but were turned away because the supervisor of election did not have them (labels) completed in time. These absentee ballots are a critical element to any campaign and need to be provided to the candidates from the SOE's office in a timely fashion. Candidates time their mail-outs to coincide with the absentee ballot requests thorough the Annie Williams office. Without the labels being provided in a prompt manner, the candidates are a disadvantage by not being able to reach the absentee voter. Hopefully, this problem will be rectified immediately before it directly harms any candidates chance's in the upcoming Primary Election.

Slick used car salesman

Has anyone heard the latest campaign ad from Barrack Obama? If we hadn't heard enough out of this plagiarist, we now have to endure Obama's cheap imitation of America's greatest conservative President who was Ronald Reagan. Obama is attempting to coin the phrase of "shining beacon on a hill" as his own in this campaign ad and it rolls off his tongue like a slick used car salesman.
President Ronald Reagan's farewell address to our Nation emphasized "American is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere". President Reagan spoke of the "Shining City" his entire political life, emphasizing his image of our Nation as a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger that oceans, windswept, God-blessed and teeming with people living in harmony. As a Christian, Ronald Reagan freely spoke of the origin of "shining beacon on hill" which was from John Winthrop's (governor of Massachusetts Bay colony in 1630) book "A Modell of Christian Charity". President Reagan fondly quoted Winthrop's book that spoke of the "city on the hill with, eyes of all people upon us" throughout his entire political career.
Try really listening to the words that roll off the lips of Obama and you will understand that this individual is nothing more than a pre-wrapped, plagarist package being marketed by the liberal media...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

No different

Well, it looks like nothing has changed in the seedy side of local politics with the underworld activity of a few political party members. Complaints have gone unnoticed for years from candidates that have attempted to run legitimate campaigns in the republican party, only to be bushwhacked by party insiders at every turn before the Primary Election. It looks like this year is no different than any other year.
This afternoon, the following email was forwarded to my attention, concerning several county commission candidates. Nothing would be out of the ordinary with the information except that the email was sent by the chairwoman of the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee. One can only imagine how many emails went out at the hands of this individual.
I have pasted this email below, in part, so you could see for yourself the dirty tricks campaign that is being waged behind the scenes to smear viable candidates by the local party chairwoman, with the assistance of the Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance's founder:
To: ;
Subject: Fw: Taxpayers Alliance News To You!Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 09:56:28 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 9:12 PM
Subject: Taxpayers Alliance News To You!

Hernando County News: The local realtors association in Hernando County has endorsed for County Commission Jeff Stabins (incumbent) and John Druzbick (recently off the School Board). Do you believe it? Apparently the association believes that these people have represented the realtors well and want more of the same. If you are a realtor, would you please let me know what you think of these endorsements? If you are in agreement with these folks I sure would like to know the arguments. Perhaps I'm not seeing the whole picture. It is the Alliance's intention to remove, if we can, each of the current county commissioners running this year and not to replace them with candidates that are just like the ones we are replacing.
I changed my party affiliation today from NPA to Republican in order to be able to influence the primary election. So, if you want to vote in the primary and make a difference in the commission race you must be registered as a party member by the 28th of July. Remember the most important race is the primary. If there's no one good to vote for in the general election, it'll be our own fault. Independents and NPA's cannot vote for Republicans or Democrats in primary races. You can only vote for non-partisan seats, Judges etc. Let me know if you need clarification.
Let's save our county and our State.
Together we can do it.
--Linda Hayward
Paid political advertisement paid for by Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance
8172 Shaw Road Brooksville, Florida 34602
Approved by Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance
Does the Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance have the right to promote their positions? You bet they do, but this should not happen at the hands of the chairwoman of the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee. All republicans in the Primary Election should have an equal chance at winning the vote. This equal chance should come without a dirty tricks campaign being waged by several republican party insiders...

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Congratulations go out to
Spring Hill American players
aka Team Florida
in the Dixie World Series
You guys rock!

Archaic mind-think

This morning's article in the Hernando Times in reference to State Attorney's Office targeting individuals who file false domestic violence abuse claims should sent shivers up the spine of any rational individual in this community. Apparently, the Hernando County Supervisor for the State Attorney's Office, Don Barbee has decided to prosecute individuals who have filed reports of domestic violence when the alleged victims have second thoughts on following through with the criminal prosecution of the suspected offenders, they will then be charged with making false police reports and perjury.
This archaic mind-think of Mr. Don Barbee is a throw back to the 1950's when everyone closed their windows and doors to victims of abuse because it was every one's dirty little secret to just look the other way. Before this community allows itself to revert back to this despicable era, a thorough investigation of Mr. Don Barbee's office needs to take place to determine exactly how many false claims are actually made about domestic violence. In this research, the facts need to reveal if the apparent victim was mentality abused into changing their mind at the hands of the abuser.
Debbie Andrews, executive director for the Dawn Center was quoted in the same article as saying, "The word will get out and you can only hope the true victims won't be afraid to come forward". Mr. Barbee looks like his office needs to under go sensitivity training to determine who the real victims are in this community. The first test case in this new policy for Mr. Barbee is charges against Tara Whitaker for filing a false police report and perjury for an incident against the alleged abuser who just so happens to be a a sheriff's deputy. Is this case of the state attorney's office protecting their own at all costs? Thank goodness Peyton Hyslop is the attorney of record for Tara Whittaker"s case.
This mind-think of Mr. Don Barbee should be overwhelming rejected by the community, with a resounding call for his immediate resignation from the position of supervisor at the State Attorney's Office. If this is not done, State Attorney Brad King needs to immediately terminate the employment of Mr. Don Barbee.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Spare no expense

Has anyone seen the photo of James Adkins, dressed in bib overalls, with his arm around his cow? This home-town, farm-boy photo has been seen on some of Mr. Adkins campaign literature around Brooksville. While meaning no disrespect to our farming interests in this community, what does a photo of Mr. Adkins hugging his cow have to do with his bid for the district 5, county commission seat?

Besides this campaign literature, it looks like others are beginning to question just who the “real” James Adkins is after reading Dan DeWitt’s column in this morning’s Hernando Times. Relying on his memory as the prior beat reporter for the city of Brooksville, Mr. DeWitt’s column accurately reported this previous side of James Adkins’ spending practices as the former fire chief of city of Brooksville which did not include his current “ax the tax” mentality.

James Adkins has a long history in Hernando County “with this spare no expense approach” in the name of fire departments. A large expenditure not listed in Mr. DeWitt’s column was Brooksville Fire House #2 located in the city’s DPW compound at 600 S. Brooksville Avenue. This firehouse was built under the watchful eye of Chief Adkins, and is now being used for excess warehouse space for the city utility department. The city taxpayers contributed to this un-needed capital expenditure for many years, much in the same way the county citizens will pay for the 28% increase for HCFR by the approval of Mr. Adkins’ silence on this issue. His “silence” in the atrium of the county building that day spoke volumes about where his personal allegiance lies in Hernando County.

Did this cow in Mr. James Adkins campaign literature somehow have a subliminal message for the taxpayers of Hernando County? Maybe we should be relieved that he wasn’t milking the cow in that photo…

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Even though the Hernando County School Board races are considered non-partisan by Florida Statutes, everyone always wonders what side of the fence the candidate hails from before casting their vote. If you are looking for a strong conservative candidate in the district 4 school board race then Gene Magrini may be the right fit for the position.
As a 15 year resident of Hernando County, Mr. Magrini certainly has the experience based on his professional background in human resources. He has successfully managed budgets in the excess of $180 million. In fact, he was the director of human resources and sales for the 2002 Super Bowl Champion, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Mr. Magrini hopes to bring his common sense approach to issues for true win-win solutions of complex issues as a school board member and has promised not to compromise at the expense of the students, parents, or the taxpayers.
Good luck, Mr. Magrini...

Home run

The Hernando County Associations of Realtors have really have hit a home run this year with their choice of conservative candidates. This organization officially endorsed Sheriff Nugent, John Druzbick for county commission, district 3 and Gene Magrini for the school board, too. These candidates were selected on their knowledge of issues, their action plan, and their ability to articulate these plans.
Way to go, guys!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Key endorsement

It really looks like the Hernando County Realtors Associations has done their homework on this year's line-up of candidates. Local candidate, Shirley Anderson received their key endorsement for Hernando County Supervisor of Elections race.
You go, girl!

Monday, July 14, 2008


The Board of Hernando County Commissioners will begin discussion on the 2008-09 budget tomorrow morning. One item on their morning agenda deals with the proposed reduction in impact fees which is scheduled for a 10 a.m. public hearing. No matter how you feel about impact fees, you will have to admit the local economy needs a jumpstart to put people back to work in Hernando County. No one knows for sure if impact fee reductions is the appropriate vehicle to achieve an outcome to get people back to work in this county but 4 out of the 5 commissioners should be given credit for holding this public hearing.
Numerous ideas are being tossed about to achieve results to stimulate our local economy. In fact, Commissioner Stabins has been working diligently on an
alternate method that may be a better advantage for the citizens of Hernando County. It is good to hear that most of our commissioners are working in a positive fashion to critically evaluate our local economic crisis in this county.
One commissioner has chosen to act in a rogue fashion to fill the county commission chambers with individuals in a quasi-political rally for re-election to oppose this reduction of impact fee reductions. Below is an email campaign letter from Diane Rowden, detailing her intentions at tomorrow's impact fee public hearing that was sent out via email and her campaign blog:
Subject: Impact fee reduction
The Hernando County Commission will be meeting on July 15, 2008 to discuss the reduction of impact fees.
Board of County Commission Chambers
20 North Main St.
County Commission Meeting
When: July 15, 2008 @10:00am
If you're concerned about the future of our county, please come to the meeting and let your voice be heard. We already know the builders and developers will be at the meeting in full force pushing their agenda for a reduction in impact fees.
This reduction in impact fees has only one effect: it increases the profits of the builders and developers.
The negative impact on our county would be substantial. It sacrifices our future and our infrastructure for builders and developers who have no long-term investment in our county.
The only way to offset such a reduction in impact fees is raise taxes! This puts the burden squarely and solely on Hernando County taxpayers while allowing the builders and developers to walk away.
In the final analysis, there is no need for their greed!
I urge you to come out on July 15, 2008 and let your voice be heard.

Diane Rowden

Hernando County Commission District 3
10350 Fulton Avenue
Brooksville, FL 34613
(352) 573-4178
Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Diane Rowden, Democrat, County Commission, District 3
The taxpayers would like to see some creative results of our commissioners not this political grandstanding for re-election by Diane Rowden.


The candidate screening committee for the Hernando County Association of Realtors, Inc. selected Jeff Stabins as their candidate of choice for county commission, district 1. Their letter of approval stated that they strongly supported Mr. Stabins for his ideas and would be contributing to his campaign in the near future.
Way to go, Jeff!

Friday, July 11, 2008

You be the judge...

This week, the three republican candidates for Hernando County Commission, district 5 were interviewed on local talk radio. Each of these three candidates had diverse positions in how to govern as the next county commissioner for district 5. Each interview was radically different from their opponents, due in part to the style of interview by the talk show host.
Billy Healis was the first candidate to be interviewed on local talk radio. While Mr. Healis was quite pleasant in his interview even though it was quite apparent that the talk show host was using a combative manner in the effort to antagonize his guest. Although Billy Healis is a newcomer to the political arena, he handled the tough questions poised to him by this talk show host and his call-in listeners. Mr. Healis answered some difficult questions concerning budget issues. He thoughtfully answered one question on the upcoming impact fee reduction with candor, without dancing on the partisan wire to make a point. Mr. Healis platform could be best described as centrist, in nature, because he is looking at Hernando County as a whole, instead of as partisan hack we have all become accustomed to in past election seasons.
James Atkins was the second candidate on this talk show host and the tone could be best described as the good old boy, wink-wink interview. Mr. Atkins has been campaigning since 2004 for this county commission seat so it was unimaginable he could not answer a simple question relating to mandatory garbage pick-up. The talk show host covered for him saying this was a really difficult question. Too bad no one asked Mr. Atkins why he sided with the Hernando County Fire Rescue last year when they asked for (and received) a 28% fee increase from the citizens, especially since Mr. Atkins is well known for his ax-the-tax routine when it fits his agenda. Mr. Atkins was also painfully unaware that the Hernando County Fine Arts Bandshell Bash committee offered free entertainment in downtown Brooksville once a month. Mr. Atkins interview could be best described as the SSDD or same stuff, different day or no new ideas.
Candidate Michael Robinson's interview was one of respectful indifference by the talk show host and his listening audience. Mr. Robinson seemed to talking at the audience instead of hearing their needs in the discussion. He has focused his campaign platform on charter government as the save-all, cure-all, for Hernando County woes in these tough economic times. The talk show host asked critical questions of this candidate, too, but his answers seemed out of touch with the general viewpoint of Hernando County citizens. Mr. Robinson related a major portion of his discussion to that of his days in Philadelphia as a police officer many years ago.
These three republican candidates, with three diverse viewpoints, will need to be judged by the public. The newcomer, Mr. Healis has the appeal of a centrist candidate who wants to govern from the middle for the betterment of the majority. Mr. Atkins is clearly a far right wing candidate who has a rigid viewpoint especially when it suits his personal needs in his campaign. Michael Robinson is all over the map in his general assessment and seems oblivious to the needs of the citizens. In less than two months, we will know who will take on the incumbent in the General Election. Hold onto to your hats, this may be a bumpy ride!

Summer Youth Festival

Are you ready for positive hip-hop music and exciting drum performances? Well, make plans to attend the 1st Annual Summer Youth Festival on July 12 (tomorrow) at the Bandshell Bash on Ft. Dade in Brooksville. This event is being sponsored by the Hernando County Anti-Drug Coalition and the Hernando County Sheriff's office in conjunction with the HC Fine Arts Council. The fun kicks off at 4 p.m. and runs until 8 p.m.
The entertainment includes drum performances by B
.L.A.S.T. and a full performance by Strength of the Young. This fun event is free to the public and includes crazy competitions, giveaways, a live DJ, skits and youth speakers to talk real issues that affect kids today.
Did I tell you the event is FREE? So come on down and join your friends for this 1st Annual Summer Youth Festival tomorrow at the BandShell Bash located behind the library on Howell in Brooksville.


TBARTA will be hosting a community workshop in Hernando County on July 31, 2008 at the Holiday Inn Express located at 3528 Commercial Way in Spring Hill from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This workshop is for public input on possible future modes of transportation in the seven county radius of TBARTA that consists of Hernando, Citrus, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Manatee and Sarasota Counties. These modes of transportation include but are not limited to light rail, bus rapid transit, commuter rail, high occupancy vehicles and toll lanes for future travel in this seven county region.
This workshop by TBARTA is an effort to develop a transportation master plan for the west central Florida region, per the state mandates of the Legislature. TBARTA was recently awarded $2 million in start-up money when Governor Crist signed the new budget into law. Please plan on attending this community workshop if you have an opinion on how our future transportation needs should be met in the Tampa Bay area. Call TBARTA Infoline at 813-217-4048 for any additional information.

$200.00 fee

A classic case of government out of control was printed in an article titled "Fireworks display raises question" this morning's edition Hernando Today. Its rather ironic that Commissioner Kingsley is being criticized for exhibiting common sense for telling Mr. James Nico to proceed with their fireworks display at their church function on 4th of July to celebrate America's birthday. This fireworks display consisted of sparklers and bottle rockets, not pyrotechnics that needs professional supervision.
Apparently this matter has been turned over to supervisors in the Hernando County Development Department to verify whether an ordinance has been violated by Mr. Nico's church group. Seems to me the only thing that upset the Development Department was their inability to collect the $200.00 fee from Mr. Nico so his church could celebrate the 4th of July.
When did it become illegal for anyone to light sparklers and bottle rockets in celebration of birth of our Nation? Remember, these are the same
sparklers and bottle rockets that are sold under the big tents in supermarket parking lots by the permission of our county government.

Bow out

Just in case you haven't heard, Jim King has decided to throw in the towel after questions began to surface about his personal resume. Mr. King was a republican candidate for Congress for the seat currently being held by Ginny Brown-Waite. He decided this week to bow out of the race when the Hernando Times broke a news story that questioned his background.
Every one just needs to know that this decision by Mr. King to withdraw from the race came after the close of pre-qualifying period so his name will still appear on the Republican Primary Election ballot in August. So when you go to vote, just remember that Ginny Brown Waite will be the only valid candidate in the Republican Primary.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Call the bluff

Who is that guy, the mild-mannered individual with the personality of Clark Kent but the intestinal fortitude of Superman? Why, this super hero is our new county administrator, David Hamilton. All joking aside, Mr. Hamilton deserves our praise, based on the sneak preview of his proposed budget on Tuesday.
Although I don't agree with all aspects of his proposed budget, Mr. Hamilton deserves a big atta-boy for taking the bull by the horns, so to speak, to present a plan to restructure our county government. Many past administrators, and commissioners, alike, have talked the talk but failed to walk the walk when it came to this type of leadership.
Even though David Hamilton does not have the legal authority over the constitutional officers budget, he should get a gold medal for suggesting our county streamline services to reduce expenses paid by taxpayer dollars. Sadly, Sheriff Nugent doesn't seem to agree with Mr. Hamilton's 21st century approach to financial management.
Sheriff Nugent was quoted as saying, "He (David Hamilton) needs to dwell in the house he has responsibility over and we're not his fix." David Hamilton is justified in attempting to "change the culture of the operation" since Sheriff's Nugent's budget constitutes at least one-third of the General Fund dollars that he is responsible to present to our county commissioners.
It's time that all constitutional officers set aside their egos and step up to the plate to assist Mr. Hamilton in his streamlining process for our county. Saving dollars for items like technical services and human resource services should be considered a must for the taxpayers footing the bill. Governments share services on inter-local agreements so why can't the constitutional officers do the same with the county administrator?
David Hamilton has made a good start within his purview just by judging his proposed budget. Now maybe its time he calls the bluff of the constitutional officers to hold their budgets within the scope of our financial needs in this county. Yes, the constitutional officers can petition the Governor but how far do you think that will get them in this slow economy?
So, Mr. Hamilton, put on your cape and save our metropolis since the constitutional officers do not have Kryptonite in their arsenals after all.


Here's a conundrum for you.
If Florida State Statutes prohibit public records from including the names, addresses and phone numbers of law enforcement officers, past or present, to protect their identity from the bad guys then why does the Hernando County Sheriff's Department allow deputies to drive vehicles home to park at their residence? Isn't this practice in direct conflict with the law written to protect our law enforcement officer's identity?