This morning, the Hernando Today ran an article titled, "Mayor asks for probe of police department." Mayor David Pugh, Jr. is apparently demanding an independent investigation of the city's police department. Mr. Pugh was quoted as saying, "I don't have any confidence in our police department when it comes to investigating someone internally". This is the second time in the last several months that Mr. Pugh has expressed extreme displeasure with a city employee.
If you recall Mr. Pugh was hyper-critical of city manager, Richard Anderson, during a city council meeting in August and Mr. Anderson was not there to defend himself. Is Mr. Pugh's criticism of city employees warranted? Some might applaud Mayor David Pugh's action to ask for an outside agency to investigate the police department as leadership or it could be viewed as a spiteful form of micro-managing from the youthful, inexperienced mayor.
Chief Tincher should be given the opportunity to complete the internal investigation already underway within the Brooksville Police Department, without the interference of the novice mayor and city councilman, Joe Bernadini. If questions still remain after the internal investigation is completed within police department, and not answered to the full satisfaction of the entire city council, then call for an outside investigation.
To ALC, you must be nuts.The chief investigate himself??? You obviously have much to gain to stand up for such a brutal, totalitarian dictator like the dear old "chief". This man will stop at nothing to get what he wants when he wants, When the FBI gets finished with the investigation which is taking place you'd better find another free ride somewhere else.This "man" extorts favors from prostitutes, incarcerates the husbands of those who dare to challenge him. You know nothing of the "Chief" but wait, watch, and learn.The "good old days are gone"
Free ride & much to gain for me, I think not...but everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion. I believe that everyone should be judged equally, including the Chief, and Lt. Hankins. If any wrongdoing is uncovered within the police department after a fair, and thorough investigation, the individuals involved should be dealt with in a swift, stern manner. If nothing is uncovered except for petty bickering among employees these officers deserve nothing less than a public apology from the city council.
By fair and thorough are you still advocating that the chief of Police be allowed to "investigate himself"?. How impartiall do you think a man with so much to lose is going to be?? Are you even from this planet? Now on to Mr Hankins. Mr Hankins is an extension of the chief as a a matter of fact its hard to tell where the cheif ends and he begins, he's a mini-me,as crooked as he was as the drug dealer he used to be before "joining the other side". The chief has been grooming him (even lied on Federal Documents for him)and wants him to be the next next "chief".That's so he(Tincher) can continue his ways after his Dec 2007 retirement.We'll guess what, Here it is pay attention "The siege is over they ain't coming back", "Paid administrative leave" The translation is WE have to pay you for little while while the outside agencies gather the necessary documents and evidence to rid the city of these two parasite's, and assure them a DOC number. Maybe they can even get a cell together when their in Protective custody.
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