Thursday, January 11, 2007

Leadership for Dummies

The Brooksville city council members should have been issued an easy to understand manual that outlines the chain of command within the city structure. This manual could resemble many of the self-help books on the market today. Most of these books have familiar titles like this, "_____ for Dummies, 101" that only need to have the subject inserted in the blank.
A classic example of arrogance underscored the immediate need for a " Leadership for Dummies" manual for council members
Lara Bradburn and Joe Bernardini this morning. The Hernando Today ran an article by Tony Marrero that cited the disgust of Lara Bradburn and Joe Bernardini in reference to the backlash from residents supporting Chief Tincher and the police.
Too bad someone hasn't thought about a "Leadership for Dummies" manual to sit on the shelf at the bookstore next to all the other "Dummie" books. A basic "Leadership for Dummies" manual would begin on page one by stating that "the residents aka voters" are always the boss in government, not the elected official!

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