Monday, February 20, 2006

Last Saturday night my husband and I attended the Lincoln Day dinner hosted by the local Hernando County Republican Executive Committee. The evening opened with a welcome from the chairwoman, followed by introductions of the local elected officials by the Master of Ceremonies, Bob Haa, local talk show host at WWJB radio. Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite and representative Russell were recognized along with Commissioners Stabins, Schenck, and Robinson. School Board members Nicholson and Wiggins were also introduced by Mr. Haa. Although it was noted for those elected officials that attended the event, many were absent, like all the (Republican) Constitutional officers and state senators. Of the approximately 200+ people in attendance, many came from Citrus, Pasco and Sumter County (s) Executive Committees to hear the keynote speaker. It is always interesting to attend these dinners because it is usually a kick-off event for the upcoming elections besides being a fundraiser for the party. For those of us that have attended many of these dinners, it boils down to the low hum in the room of those taking odds on the candidates in the upcoming races and rumors for those who have yet to throw their hat in the ring. The seasoned candidates cruise the room pumping the flesh while the novice beginners look like wall flowers wondering how to be noticed in the sea of faces. As the dinner plates were being removed and the remainder of the auction gifts were distributed to the lucky winners, the chairwoman came to the podium to give a special presentation. Jeff Johnston was awarded a beautiful plaque for his many years in the military in the defense of our Nation. During the presentation, many of Jeff's medals were announced which include the Silver Star and his Purple Heart ribbons. Congresswoman Ginny-Brown Waite then had the honor of introducing the keynote speaker for the evening, Congresswoman Katherine Harris who is a candidate for the US Senate. Mrs. Harris genuinely spoke from her heart to layout her "grassfire approach" of campaigning and really impressed the audience with her warm personality and honest character. She was quoted as saying, "I believe America's best days are ahead of us." I had the pleasure of chatting with her in the buffet line and made point of telling her how much I admired her courage. Mrs. Harris commented that it was not courageous to follow the law. Katherine Harris was most gracious to everyone in attendance, taking time to speak to many throughout the evening. The evening concluded after Katherine Harris' presentation, with Bob Haa closing the ceremonies. As good nights were being said by the departing crowd, a contingent of those from Pasco County stood by the door holding Crist campaign signs which, in my opinion, was in very poor taste. All in all though, it was an enjoyable evening and my best wishes go out to Katherine Harris in her bid for the US Senate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Congresswoman Katherine Harris who is a candidate for the US Senate..."

I hope you didn't giver her any money, since she's a dead duck candidate. No chance to beat Bill Nelson, especially since news of her involvement with Wade and apparent bribes.