Friday, February 10, 2006

Good News from the Sheriff's Department

Hernando County Sheriff's Office's Major Royce Decker will advise the county commissioners on Tuesday of a LiveScan Workstation Grant in the amount of $38,431. This LiveScan Workstation grant for equipment will allow the Hernando County Sheriff''s Office the ability to fingerprint and have the data submitted immediately to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) electronically for inclusion in the state's computerized Criminal History File. This equipment will give the Sheriff's Office the ability to positively identify the arrested person and the FDLE will be able to maintain a complete and accurate criminal history data on arrests in Hernando County. Kudos to our Sheriff's Department for being on top of the available "information technology" to protect the citizens of Hernando County.


Anonymous said...

There is a small problem with our Hi-Tech solutions with the Sheriff's office. They still run Win. 2000 and there are a lot of susceptibilities with that program. The have to update the software programs.
With some of the new tracer software; tracking people is a lot faster, but not with old programs. I think some of us Techies need to volunteer our time to helping the Sheriff.
The bad guys are updating, and we can outsmart them. Safer than a gun! Hope the jail gets it together soon.

alc said...

If what you say is true about the Win. 2000, it looks like the Sheriff's office is in need of a system upgrade real soon but I'm glad that they are taking the lead on this issue. Hopefully the new warden on board at the jail will crack the whip & bring everything into compliance. Only time will tell...