Saturday, December 30, 2006

This year has been a doozy...

This year has been a doozy, politically speaking. The public's perception has ranged from excitement to disgust over the antics of this year's political figures. One thing is for certain though, Hernando County's reputation for having rough and tumble campaigns and elections has not disappointed anyone.
It was the year that local incumbent politicians had little chance for survival. A lone school board representative and the state congresswoman were the only survivors, after the dust had settled on the November election, to oust incumbents. With all the candidates running so fast towards the middle, the lines on the road were hard to distinguish on many of the issues. A fast blur of the white line seemed to be painted on the backs of candidates because most had no real platform for Hernando County's future. Republicans ran as democrats. Democrats ran as republicans. Heck, score cards should have accompanied the elections ballots!
Everyone is still waiting for the last chapter for our General Elections results in the Rocco vs. Robinson debacle. It looks like a few more chapters may be added to the saga, with the opinions of opposing legal counsel and that of the Florida Department of State. In the words of one prominent attorney on the case, "it ain't over until the fat lady sings".
Hernando County even made the spotlight in the statewide media for the bigoted comments of a former county commissioner, and his wife, which gained the attention of Governor Bush and Governor-elect, Charlie Crist. Even Carol Jean Jordon, chairwoman of the Republican Party of Florida, wrote a letter to condemn the comments which were met with consternation by the couple. Ana Trinque, local chairwoman of the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee stood behind the comments, as did the newly-elected vice chairman of the HCREC, Alan Setelius. After all the media flap died down, nothing more was said, or done, by state republican party officials. It is business as usual, with the former county commissioner still serving as state committeeman for the republican party.
The holiday season provided all of us with a much-needed reprieve from the constant political chatter of the media while we turned our attention towards family and friends. The old adage, "out with the old and in with the new" somehow brings a renewed sense of positive possibilities as we head toward springtime.
Oh, Hernando County will survive the bruising 2006 political season. In fact, it will thrive with a renewed sense of liberation for all the endless possibilities that face us in the future.
Happy New Year to everyone!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My rendition of 2006

Looking back throughout 2006, many interesting things have happened in our county. I listed below some of the positive highlights from my blog that really make our community shine. I hope you enjoy my rendition of the 2006 year in review.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

News Flash!!!

Judge Booth ruled in Rose Rocco's favor this morning. According to a very reliable source, Mrs. Rocco was sworn into office this morning and now holds the title, Commissioner Rocco.

Very joyous holiday

Wishing you, and your family, a very joyous
Holiday Season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Anna Liisa Covell

Conveys the message

The following is a re-run from my last year's holiday greeting but I think it best conveys the message of Christmas. Please enjoy this transcript of Ronald Reagan's radio message from 1978:


Meaning no disrespect to the religious convictions of others, I still can’t help wondering how we can explain away what to me is the greatest miracle of all and which is recorded in history. No one denies there was such a man, that he lived and that he was put to death by crucifixion.Where….is the miracle I spoke of? Well consider this and let your imagination translate the story into our own time-----possibly to your own home town.

A young man whose father is a carpenter grows up working in his father’s shop. One day he puts down his tools and walks out of his father’s shop. He starts preaching on street corners and in the nearby countryside, walking from place to place, preaching all the while, even though he is not an ordained minister. He never gets farther that an area perhaps 100 miles wide at the most.He does this for three years. Then he is arrested, tried and convicted. There is no court of appeal, so he is executed at age 33 along with two common thieves. Those in charge of his execution roll dice to see who gets his clothing---the only possessions he has. His family cannot afford a burial place for him so he is interred in a borrowed tomb.

End of story? No, the uneducated, property-less young man who…..left no written word has, for 2,000 years, had a greater effect on the world than all the rulers, kings, emperors; all the conquerors, general and admirals; all the scholars, scientists and philosophers who have ever lived---all of them put together.How do we explain that? ......unless he really was what he said he was.

-Ronald Reagan / Dailey Radio Commentary (syndicated) December, 1978

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Jericho Road Ministries

Jericho Road Ministries will host their Ninth Annual Christmas Luncheon. The luncheon will take place at the First United Methodist Church of Brooksville this Saturday, December 23rd from 11:00 to 2:00 p.m. Pastor Bruce Gimbal started this holiday lunch program nine years ago as a way to say thanks the community and to celebrate the Christmas season.

Jericho Road Ministries sponsors a shelter program (in addition to their men's program) to respond to the economic, emotional and spiritual needs of women and children called Mary's House. Mary's House is for women and children that have been displaced in life due to circumstances beyond their control. Mary's House is located at 1090 Mondon Hill Road in Brooksville. For shelter placement, call (352)799-2912.
Thank you, Pastor Bruce Gimbal and Rev. Scott Simmons for all your hard work in our community.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Equal access to quality healthcare

Does everyone in Hernando County have equal access to quality healthcare in an emergency situtation? In the event that you, or your loved one, has a medical emergency you should be aware of directives in place by the emergency medical director. The Hernando County Emergency Medical Director has issued directives to transport patients to the nearest emergency room even if the patient has specified a particular facility. This makes logical sense, or does it?
What if the patient lives on the east side of the county and requests transport to Oak Hill Hospital? EMS directives dictate that the patient be taken to the nearest facility which is Brooksville Regional Hospital, under the discretion of the paramedic. This seems like the safest path for the patient, or does it?
Hypothetically speaking, if the east side emergency patient is exhibiting stroke-like symptoms, EMS personnel would take the patient to Brooksville Regional even though Oak Hill is the only state certified stroke facility in Hernando County. Once this hypothetical patient is evaluated as a stroke patient, they are air lifted to Tampa General Hospital for stroke treatment. The question that should be on everyone's mind is why wasn't the patient transported to Oak Hill Hospital in the first place to safe precious minutes. The first three hours after suffering a stroke symptoms are the most critical in the recovery of a patient so it would be only logical that they should have been transported to Oak Hill Hospital in the first place. The full recovery of the patient should be the main objective of EMS personnel when evaluating stroke patients. How much precious time is wasted in the critical 3-hour stroke window of the patient by taking them to Brooksville Regional, only to then be air lifted to Tampa General?
This stroke scenario could be re-created with the heart attack patient since Oak Hill is a certified heart facility, too. When the heart patient is taken to Brooksville Regional, only to be air-lifted to Tampa General, how much heart muscle could have been saved by an immediate transport to Oak Hill Hospital?
Is the health, safety and the welfare of the patient paramount in the Hernando County Medical Director's directive or are
HMA's corporate interests the driving factor in the "closest facility directive" since Brooksville Regional Hospital and Tampa General are under this parent corporation. The county's emergency medical director is under contract by the approval of the Hernando County Board of Commissioners. It is the Hernando County Board of Commissioners overriding authority to protect the health, safety and welfare of all the citizens of this county. Hopefully they will investigate this very troubling directive by their emergency medical director that allows out of county transport of our citizens in medical emergencies.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc. has really been busy up in my neck of the woods. WREC has had their subcontractors, Davey, Inc. and Pike, Inc. working on a project to pave the way for major capital improvements along Lake Lindsay Road and Edgewater Avenue through Nobleton. Without going into technical jargon, WREC's public relations manager, Ernie Holzhauer related to me that the work being done was to improve current service in our area, and be prepared for future growth in Hernando County corridor. The capital improvements being made by WREC is to double the size of transmission lines in the northeast portion of our county. Taller power poles, equipped with larger insulators, are being installed to accommodate these larger size transmission lines by WREC. Davey, Inc. has been extremely busy clearing and trimming trees to make way for these taller poles. Pike, Inc. has worked in conjunction with Davey to install the taller poles in a well orchestrated, timely fashion. As soon as the taller poles were installed, the WREC trucks rolled in to begin work on the completion of this major capital improvement. The rural community of the Istachatta and Nobleton area are certainly lucky to be members of this electric cooperative. Thanks go out to Withlacoochee River Electric, for meeting our current electric needs and investing capital dollars to be prepared for our future in Hernando County!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

What wrong with this picture?

While the Hernando County School Board is considering plans to abandon busing to end racial segregation, they voted on a pilot program for same gender classrooms at Westside Middle School this week. What's wrong with this picture? Are we to believe 'the separate but equal' mind set will become acceptable in our society again? We had a prior definition for this 'separate but equal' way of life in the south called Jim Crow law's. These Jim Crow law's were designed to give legal recognition to discrimination, with the separation of black and white Americans by law, from 1883 to 1954. In 1896, the US Supreme Court approved of racial segregation with the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision that gave an official seal on the "Separate but Equal Doctrine". The Plessy vs. Fergusan decision had a lone vote of dissent by US Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan, a former slave owner from Kentucky. Justice Harland declared: " Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens...The thin disguise of 'equal' accommodations will not mislead anyone, nor atone for the wrong this day done." The "Separate but Equal Doctrine" remained in effect until the US Supreme Court heard the Brown vs. the Board of Education to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment that guarantees equal protection under the laws. Being of the baby-boomer age, the image of busing to end segregation in the south was a terrifying time in our society. While the National Guard patrolled schools to enforce court-ordered integration, parents of black, and white children, alike, were afraid to send their children to school due to violent acts of many senseless people. These violent acts ranged from vandalism, to fire bombings, at many schools in the south. During these turbulent times, a police officer was stabbed in the chest at a Pinelllas County high school. Do we really want to turn back the hands of time justifying the "Separate but Equal Doctrine" in our society? Hopefully, history will not repeat itself right here in Hernando County.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Never forget

I received this information by email this morning. It seems that something positive has been made out of the evil of September 11th:
USS New York It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft. Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite , LA to cast the ship's bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept. 9, 2003, "those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence," recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. "It was a spiritual moment for everybody there." Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the "hair on my neck stood up." "It had a big meaning to it for all of us," he said. "They knocked us down. They can't keep us down. We're going to be back."
The ship's motto? - 'Never Forget'

Smooth transition

Monday night, three new members of the Brooksville City council were sworn into office. Lara Bradburn is the freshman of the newly seated city council members, with Richard Lewis and Joe Bernardini being considered veterans for their previous tenure on the board. Congratulations go out to David Pugh, Jr. who was elected the new mayor and to Frankie Burnett as vice mayor. It appears that Ms. Bradburn did not let any grass grow under her feet with her in-depth questioning of most items on their agenda. Several in the audience mentioned the term micro-managing in reference to Councilwoman Bradburn. Yes, Ms. Bradburn does her homework, as well she should being a newspaper reporter by profession, but micro-managing should not be tagged on her after just one meeting. Will she expect complete answers to her questions? Knowing Lara, the answer is yes. Will she micro-managing the staff? That is yet to be determined but she deserves a chance to become comfortable in her position as councilwoman before any hushed rumors are generated from the staff. Mayor David Pugh has his work cut out for him in the coming year. Many items will pass over his desk in the next several months, from legal problems relating to city annexations, to a pending performance review of city manager, Richard Anderson. It appears that it is truly a new day for the city of Brooksville. Our anticipation for a smooth transition for the city council runs high in the community. Good luck to everyone!

Future superintendent

Ken Pritz, Hernando County school district's executive director of facility and support operations, has submitted his application for the future vacancy of the school superintendent's position. The current superintendent, Wendy Tellone is retiring at the conclusion of the 2007 school year. When Mrs. Tellone was hired as superintendent, the public perception was to hire from within Hernando County. Mrs. Tellone worked her way up through the local school system and has proved to be very competent during her tenure as the superintendent of Hernando County schools. Mr. Pritz is the only local candidate to apply for the superintendent's position and should be given preference based on his 26 year tenure with the school district. Mr. Pritz has worked his way up the ladder and has the administrative experience to tackle the duties of superintendent. Mr. Pritz has been a non-voting member of the Hernando County Planning and Zoning Commission for almost two years. While I cannot speak for his professional qualifications for the position of superintendent, I will say that Ken Pritz is a very nice individual who treats everyone with respect and courtesy at all of our meetings. The Hernando County School Board should strongly consider hiring from within the local school district once again.

Pearl Harbor

Today is Pearl Harbor Day. The day of infamy, as described by President Franklin Roosevelt, in his speech to the Nation on December 7, 1941. Some foggy memories, combined with the dwindling number of military survivors, does not make this day any less significant than the actual day our Nation came under attack in Pearl Harbor. One survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor attended our local Veterans Appreciation Parade for the last two years. His name is Allan T. Hartshome, age 88. Mr. Hartshome and his wife reside in the Hill n' Dale subdivision of Hernando County. Several years ago, we had the membership of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association attend our parade with their replica of the USS Arizona Memorial float. We are truly blessed to have these local Pearl Harbor survivors residing in our county. Although the number of Pearl Harbor survivors are succumbing to age, each person is a monumental portion of our Nation's history and have our deepest respect for their service for our country. Please take time today to say thanks for all our veterans.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Santa Claus will be making a stop in Nobleton this Saturday, December 9th, to visit with the local neighborhood children. Santa will be at the Tri-County Volunteer Fire Department on Forbes Street from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Playing politics

Almost one year ago, Jeff Webb of the Hernando Times wrote an editorial in reference to the state's sales tax surplus of $3.2 billion that was reported in January, 2006. The theme of his previous column focused how each political party would be fighting over this massive surplus while trying to influence votes since it was an election year. Well, the politicians in Tallahassee proved Mr. Webb's point.
The state legislature pandered at the highest level to enhance themselves to the voting public and got the most bang for our buck. By April, the Florida Legislature learned that they had an additional windfall of $960-million in addition to the a $5.6 billion surplus that had been reported in March of 2006. Where have all the state legislator's been hiding with this insurance crisis that hit our state late last year? Were they with hiding with Governor Bush? Were they hiding at their campaign offices, hoping no one would notice the lack of a action by Florida Legislature on the insurance crisis that hit our state last year?
Everyone has been pleading for a resolution to the crisis in Citizens' Property Insurance that has forcing people from their homes since last year and the people's voice fell on deaf ears in Tallahassee during the 2006 legislative session. Yes, a few of our elected officials have voiced concern over the insurance crisis but it has been barely audible until the new legislators were sworn in several week ago.
Senator Fasano had a guest column titled, 'Insurance crisis undermines state' in this morning's issue of the Hernando Times which discusses the insurance crisis in Florida. In his column, Mr. Fasano stated that in the closing hours of the 2006 legislative session, insurance industry lobbyists managed to sneak language into Senate Bill 1980 requiring Citizens to raise rates to cover the cost of re-insurance. How does any group sneak language into a house or senate bill? If this really happens, then the citizens need to hold their representative government officials responsible for not thoroughly scrutinizing legislation before passage. Taking into consideration Senator Fasano he did not support Senate Bill 1980, it still does not erase the fact that our state has been in an insurance crisis since the fall of 2005.
Senator Fasano stated in his column that the insurance crisis has the potential to decimate every aspect of our state's economy. Where was Senator Fasano almost a year ago when the state coffers were flush with cash to fix this insurance crisis? Playing politics with a person's most valuable asset of their home, or business, by jeopardizing their ability to afford home owners insurance, is unacceptable. In hindsight, Jeff Webb has every right to say I told you so...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Could become a stalemate

Much discussion has taken place in the last several weeks about the empty seat on the Hernando County Commission. Robert Nolte had an editorial column in this morning's Hernando Today about the important issues our county will face in the upcoming months. Mr. Nolte suggested that governor should appoint an interim commissioner until such time that the Robinson-Rocco debacle is settled in court. He mentioned the hazards of having a four member board of county commission. With a four member board it is possible that nothing will be accomplished by the county commission in the coming months. Mr. Nolte's column focused on critical issues that could become a stalemate with a four member board but he forgot to mention one big issue. In January, it will be time for the county commissioners to choose a new chairperson. Which one of the commissioners will cross that great partisan divide to vote for an opposing party member for chairperson? Better yet, what happens if they have a 2-2 vote for the person nominated? Does that mean Commissioner Rowden will remain as chairwoman for another year? I believe a 2-2 vote nullifies the motion which would leave Commissioner Rowden seated as chairwoman. Someone needs to call the governor ...


You know what the best reason is for living in Hernando County? For that matter, for living in the state of Florida? The best part about living here is you don't need to shovel sunshine!

Sad article

The Hernando Times ran a very sad article in the paper this morning about a young woman named Nicole Batiste who pleaded guilty to aggravated manslaughter for the death of her newborn baby. This young woman will be sentenced next month for a crime that should have never taken place. Does she deserve the punishment of jail time? That will be up to the judge to decide in January. This unwanted pregnancy could have turned out to be good news if this young woman had dropped the baby off at a hospital or fire station. No questions would have been asked of this young woman and the baby would have been put up for adoption. The Florida Legislature wisely passed legislation in 2000 for desperate mothers to drop off unwanted newborns within 3 days of birth without prosecution. Its too bad this young woman did not follow the law. The Hernando Times needs to be commended for printing the information about this law, along with helpful agencies, adjacent to the article.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Secret Santa

Every holiday season it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful the people are in Hernando County. I am not talking about the busy shoppers with the short fuses, or the increased snow bird traffic on our local roadway but all the good-hearted people reaching out to their neighbors in the true Christmas spirit. Each year I have a caring individual come by our business to ask us to help him with his secret Santa program in south Brooksville. This individual gets the names, ages and gender of some really deserving, and needy children, to make their holiday bright. Do I trust this person to fulfill his promises to these families? You bet I do. This individual has worked with the youth in the south Brooksville community for years as a girl's softball coach, mentor, and all around good guy. This person works for the city of Brooksville and his name is Sonny Gill. Sonny's own daughters are now grownup but he continues to participate within the south Brooksville area trying to make the lives of neighborhood children a little brighter during the holiday season. So the next time you think Santa Claus does not exist, look around your little patch of the world. I'll bet you'll find more than one person that resembles the good-hearted Sonny in the south Brooksville neighborhood.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Picking up the tab...

Without weighing in on the Rocco-Robinson debate again, only one question needs to asked today. Who is paying for former Chief Justice Stephen Grime to represent Annie Williams? It will be interesting to see if the taxpayers are picking up the tab or if Ms. Williams will pay these legal fees out of her own pocket.

Money shifting...

Twice in one week we have heard from Commissioner Kingsley that the state of Florida is mysteriously shifting money away from Hernando County. Both of these instances of money shifting have proven to be incorrect. The Hernando County dredge project is on target with all the state funding intake, as is the FDOT five-year tentative work plan, with the distribution of allocated money for Hernando County. Did Commissioner Kingsley act impetuously to a perceived shifting of money for the Hernando Beach dredge project last week, and today, with his concerns to focus on the Florida Department of Transportation shifting money from the our county? It is an odd coincidence that Commissioner Russell worked directly on both of these projects while he was our state representative. Mr. Russell worked with Senator Fasano for the dredge project funding and he was also the chairman of the transportation committee in Tallahassee. Why did Commissioner Kingsley write a letter to the Florida Department of Transportation Secretary, Donald Skelton expressing his concerns about the State Road 50 funding without getting the consensus of the entire board of county commissioners? It seems that if there was a real perception of funding loss, it would have been prudent for Chairwoman Diane Rowden to pen the letter to Donald Skelton. Was Mr. Kingsley truly concerned with county funding or was it his way to undermine Commissioner Russell before he had time to get his feet wet on the Hernando County Board of Commissioners?

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Loud swirling sound...

If you hear a loud swirling sound coming from Brooksville, just ignore it, since it just our tax money being flushed down the drain at the old hospital site. The projected forecast for completion of a feasibility study for the old hospital site is now November 2007. Last August, Commissioners Robinson and Hogan, at the urging of a longtime community activist Janey Baldwin, decided to start the search over for a firm to conduct a feasibility study, based on the results of Strollo Architects. Apparently Strollo had exceeded the original bid requirements by expanding their scope of work. If common sense had prevailed with the county commissioners in August, the project would not be another four months behind costing an additional $220K in tax money. The commissioners always have a choice of professional firms based on their fair ranking and the ability to perform the requested tasks. The most logical approach would have been to eliminate Strollo for exceeding the bid requirements in August and award the contract to the firm in second place to conduct the study. Government bureaucracy has been blamed on the county staff many times but the responsibility for this "money pit" lies squarely on the county commissioners shoulders. In hindsight, over $2 million will be used on this project before any concrete decisions are made for the old hospital. The county commissioners should have been pro-active in 2001 with the new lease agreement with Brooksville Regional. This feasibility study should have been completed prior to the county assuming full responsibilities of the hospital last spring before Brooksville Regional staff vacated the premises. If a pro-active approach had taken place in 2001 by Commissioners Rowden, Kingsley and former Commissioner Robinson, our tax money would not be wasted today on these unnecessary delays. So on December 4th, the selection committee will once again rank the same firms to conduct this feasibility study. Ironic, or just plain sad, you be the judge?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"Happy Thanksgiving to your family from ours!"

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Welcome, Commissioner Russell

This morning at the Hernando County Board of Commissioners, Judge Daniel Merritt, Sr. had the honor of swearing in newly elected Commissioner David Russell. Very little fanfare was undertaken for Commissioner Russell other than a few snapshots by newspaper photographers. Chairwoman Rowden took a ten minute recess for everyone in the chamber to greet Commissioner Russell then she called the meeting back to order. This swearing in ceremony of Commissioner Russell did not have any of the fanfare like in previous years. In fact, this ceremony seemed rather clinical, to the point of being cold, since Chairwoman Rowden did not even take the opportunity to welcome her new colleague on board, nor did the other two commissioners. Commissioner Russell will be a real asset to the Board of County Commissioner with his wealth of knowledge from the Florida Legislature. From the citizens of Hernando County, welcome on board Commissioner Russell.

Wonderful photos

Mark Rials of the Hernando Sportsman Club took some wonderful photos of our Veterans Appreciation Parade. Here is the link:
Thanks, Mark!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Continuing saga...

According to an announcement on WWJB radio, Judge Booth will conduct a hearing at 3:30 p.m. this afternoon in the continuing saga of Robinson vs. Rocco. We have so many players in this issue it will be interesting to see which parties will go before Judge booth this afternoon.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

A process of self promotion?

Who is keeping score in the Robinson / Rocco heavyweight fight of this local election season? Its getting kind of confusing with the flurry of legal motions filed in the past few days. One thing is for sure though, some local attorneys are not experiencing a recession with this headline news. An interesting twist of events now has local gadfly, Janey Baldwin as a player in the action, with her own lawsuit in this debacle. Her attorney, Joe Mason, was quoted in the Hernando Times as saying, in part, "Janey just wants to participate". If you remember, this is the same person that filed an ethics complaint against Mayor Robyn Anderson in 2004 during Swiftmud's attempt to revoke Weeki Wachee's long term lease agreement. Is this most recent court action by Mr. Mason's client an honest attempt to participate in the fair electoral process or just a process of self-promotion by this gadfly?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Robinson vs. Rocco

A press release, in reference to the Robinson vs. Rocco civil complaint, was just read on the air by WWJB talk show host, Bob Haa. Judge Booth ordered the Hernando County Canvassing Board to withhold the certification of the county commission, district 2, race and any swearing in ceremony for Rose Rocco until such time as court hearings are held in this case.

Melting Pot?

Walter Dry and Nick Morana of the Human Rights Coalition have organized a forum on tolerance on November 20, 2006. This forum is titled, "Is Hernando County Truly a Melting Pot?" It will take place at The Lake House located at 1202 Kenlake Avenue in Spring Hill from 6 to 9 p.m. Nick Morana was quoted as saying, "We're just going to bring it all out into the open and see what we can come up with," in reference to the firestorm created by Mary Ann Hogan's letter about the Islamic faith. This should be a good opportunity for our community leaders to have an open, frank discussion on intolerance or the perception of it.

Ambulance catches fire...

Did anyone catch the small article on page A-7 of the Hernando Today this morning titled, "Ambulance catches fire at scene of brush fire?' Apparently Hernando County Fire Rescue had an ambulance catch on fire while responding to a fire in the Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge. The article said that the fire was thought to be mechanical in nature. Hopefully, an in-depth investigation will be made to determine the cause (and cost) of this fire since this equipment is extremely expensive for the taxpayers.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The real losers

Arm chair quarterbacks are weighing in all over Hernando County on the "Rocco vs. Robinson" fight for the county commission seat in district 2. Was Rose eligible on November 7th, or is Nancy nitpicking an issue because she is a sore loser?
Sterling Ivey, spokesman for the Florida Department of State said Florida case law clearly states that Mrs. Rocco should have established residency requirements on November 7th, the day of the election. Mr. Ivey said there appears to be no wiggle room according to his statements in this morning's edition of the Hernando Today.
Who will really win this battle? It certainly will not be the voters in Hernando County. If Nancy Robinson is success in her civil suit, she would resume her duties as commissioner. If Rose Rocco is success in defending this challenge, she will be the commissioner for the next four years. Clouds of doubt will hover over this county because the voters will question either winner of this challenge. If Mrs. Robinson is successful with her civil litigation, she will carry the reputation of a loser that does not deserve the seat. If Mrs. Rocco is sworn in as commissioner, she will bear the stigma of cheater for not abiding by residency requirements.
The Hernando County canvassing board, made up of Annie Williams, Commissioner Kingsley and Judge Scaglione, has a tough job on Friday. Will Ms. Williams and Mr. Kingsley leave their partisanship at the door when deciding whether to certify this election? If Mrs. Rocco is certified the winner on Friday, which judge will hear the civil litigation? Will it Judge Springstead, or Judge Merritt, or maybe Judge Rushing? Remember the partisan cartoons in the Hernando Today that depicted Mrs. Rocco in a unfavorable light drawn by Timothy Rushing, son of Judge and Mia Rushing.
Two new players to this debate popped up this morning attempting to influence the outcome of this election. Ana Trinque, chairwoman of the HCREC and Jay Rowden, chairman of the HCDEC are now weighing in with their partisan positions. Will the HCREC file an injunction to halt the swearing in ceremony of Mrs. Rocco next Tuesday? If so, will Mr. Rowden ask the HCDEC to take legal action? Or should Ms. Trinque and Mr. Rowden be involved at all? Is this a legal question that should be determined strictly by the merit of the law while leaving partisan politics out ot the equation?
Question, questions, questions...
Questions will remain for the next four years in the district 2 county commission seat. This debacle is a recipe for further voter apathy because we, the voters, are the real losers in this battle...

Christmas cards

Once again, the Hernando County Recreation Department, in cooperation with the Brooksville Kiwanis, will be organizing the Christmas cards on the Hernando County Courthouse lawn. Cards will be displayed from December 11th through 29th. For specific rules for registration, set-up, and display times, contact Marie Warren at 754-4031 (Hernando County Parks).

Example of goodness...

David Bearden, local chapter president of the National Federation of the Blind, recently was approved to become a foster parent. This is a remarkable achievement for Mr. Bearden since he is legally blind. David is also the first legally blind individual in the state of Florida to be certified as a foster parent. This challenge undertaken by David to give these children a home would be difficult even for a sighted person since several of his children, and foster children, are disabled, with one child being legally blind. David Bearden is a shining example of goodness in our community.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

My heartfelt thanks...

Please allow me to express my heartfelt thanks to all of those that participated, and attended, The 6th Annual Veterans Appreciation Parade in Brooksville. A note of thanks to the participants:
  • Brooksville Police & Fire Departments
  • Hernando County Sheriff's Department Honor Guard
  • Representative-elect Robert Schenck
  • City Council members Mary Staib, Ernie Weaver & Frankie Burnett
  • County Commissioners Jeff Stabin, Diane Rowden & Chris Kingsley
  • County Commissioner(s)-elect David Russell & Rose Rocco
  • Judge Stephen Rushing & his wife Mia, both veterans
  • School Board member Sandy Nicholson
  • WWJB talk show host, Bob Haa
  • Hernando High School Band
  • Hernando High Air force ROTC
  • Central High Navy ROTC
  • Young Marines
  • Hernando County Chap. Of Military Officers
  • D.A.V.
  • American Legion, Post 99
  • Gulf Coast Waves
  • Knights of Columbus float
  • National Federal of the Blind
  • Operation Pride
  • Beauty queens Eileen Majik, Morgan & Lane McDaniel, Alisa & Lexie Jester, Brittany Raborn
  • Red Hat Ladies
  • Daughters of American Revolution
  • Girl Scouts, Troop 108
  • All the walkers in the parade
  • Alan Hartshorne, Pearl Harbor survivor
  • Hernando Military Vehicle Preservation Association
  • Hernando Sportsman Club
  • Ye Mystic AirKrewe of Tampa

A special thanks to Chief Tincher, Sgt. Maeder, and the staff of the Brooksville Police Department for all their hard work in making this event a success once again this year. Thanks to my husband Tony, my son Bryon & Ed Baker (Am Leg. Post 99) & Rosann Toshich(Am. Leg. Post 99) for staging the event line-up and the many (many) emails & phone calls to get everyone on board.

See you all next year!

Anna Liisa Covell / Parade Coordinator

Reception for Nancy Robinson

For those of you who wish to thank Nancy Robinson for her 14 years of dedicated service to our community, a reception will be held at 11:00 a.m. following the county commission meeting on Tuesday, November 14th. For details, call the county administrator's office at 754-4002.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Saturday, November 11, 2006 at 10 a.m.

Bring your American flags, your children & your neighbors
to show support for our men & women of our military, past & present.

Participation in this patriotic event will proudly salute our local
Veterans for their valiant service to our Nation!

Everyone is encouraged to walk with our Veterans to express thanks for their
heroic deeds. Please take a few minutes out of your day to express your
patriotism during this very crucial time in our country's history.

Parade line-up starts at 8:30 a.m. in the parking lot behind
Brooksville City Hall located at 201 Howell Avenue in downtown Brooksville.
(plenty of parking in adjacent lot on Orange Avenue)

"God Bless America"

Offer the olive branch...

Nausea overwhelmed me this morning. Our community is being consumed by hatred and bigotry to the degree not seen since the era of the 1960’s. Years ago many of us watched our black and white televisions in horror as blind hatred over took emotions in racial riots that proceeded the 1964 Civil rights Act. Do we really need to return to the age of the Ku Klux Klan and John Birch Society? Even though I respect everyone’s right of free speech, elected officials have the sworn duty to protect and serve our community without prejudice. A representative government sometimes means having to protect and serve those in our community, even when our elected officials vehemently disagree, in regards to race, creed, color, religion, or political persuasion. In this representative government, respectful dissent by the people is also an accepted method to approach your elected official. A truce needs to be called before innocent people are hurt, or religious institutions are damaged in our community. All party’s involved in this Muslin situation need to immediately set their prejudices on a shelf for the sake of our community to apologize to the offended party’s. The Hogan’s need to be the first to offer the olive branch…

Happy Birthday, Marines!

In honor of my husband, a former combat Marine Vietnam Veteran and with his fellow Marines, past and present, a message from the Commandant of the US Marine Corp on their 231st birthday:


10 NOVEMBER 2006





Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Coasting on borrowed time

The political shift in power at the national level has the air waves all a-buzz with a new direction for America today. This new direction has not been spelled out except that change, for change-sake, is good for our future. Oddly, very little has been said about the long term influence this election will have on our future. The one message heard loud and clear throughout the campaign was tax cuts would cease to exist under democrat control. Predictions of brisk fourth quarter earnings are expected, as businesses invest their profits while tax incentives are still in place through the end of the year. The promise of a raise in minimum wage will not help the working class when businesses are forced to lay-off employees with the promised tax increases by democrats. Aside from the national level, our local government has had a major shift in leadership, with the board of county commissioners now dominated by three democrats and the school board having only one sitting Republican in place. Whose fault is it for the loss of Republican leaders? Was it the media? The democrats? Who really knows for sure? One thing certain is the blame game needs to cease in the Republican Party. Some Republican Party elites have been steadfast in their blame of others, instead of addressing a method of bi-partisan cooperation. One term frequently used to incite disgust is the term R.I.N.O. which means in "Republican In Name Only". A handful of local Republican Party elites play this R.I.N.O. card every time a party member does not fall into lock step with their rigid opinions. These divisive tactics within the Republican Party are a cause for concern by many of us in the G.O.P. The hard line ideology set forth by local Republican leaders is splitting the party into two factions, from the far right wing extremists, to the more moderate centrist. Its time the hard liners wake up and discover that its our party, too! Governor Christine Todd Whitman was quoted this morning as saying, " The Republican Party must return to its historical roots of fiscal conservatism and respect for personal freedom if it is to succeed in the future." Think about it. When did it become unfashionable to care about the environment as a Republican? When did it become unfashionable to care about the weakest among us as Republicans? When did it become fashionable as a Republican to display prejudice against our neighbors? When did we lose sight of the party of Lincoln and take down that Big Tent? Until these questions are faced in the light of day, the Republican Party will be fractured from within, coasting on borrowed time, as a minority party.
***After a comment by a reader, I checked the party affiliation on the school board members at the SOE's office. I stand corrected on Mr. Sweeney since he is a registered Republican. Having said that, the majority of the school board still is in the hands of registered Democrats.

Certainly hope not...

If this the wave of things to come, everyone needs to hold onto their hats over the next two years. Today, during a Board of County Commission Land Use meeting, Chairwoman Diane Rowden was not only rude, but openly arrogant, in her approach to outgoing Commissioner Robinson. Partisanship is one thing but there is absolutely no excuse for bad manners. Mrs. Rowden's lack of respect for her commitment to the community was also displayed at the end of this meeting on another issue. She informed her fellow commissioners that she would be attending an event at Veteran's Park this Saturday, November 11th, instead of attending the 6th Annual Veterans Appreciation Parade. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this declaration to the Veterans Park event if Ms. Rowden had been truthful in the first place. Yes see, Mrs. Rowden had her administrative assistance email the parade coordinator last week to say the commissioner would miss the parade due to her mother's illness. Will this the new direction promised by democrats include the open display of bad manners, superficial patriotism, and dishonesty over the next two years? I certainly hope not...

A wealth of knowledge

As another campaign season comes to conclusion, the spotlight is on the candidates who were successful in yesterday's election. Congratulations go out to Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite for her re-election and to our new freshman state representative for district 44, Robert Schenck. Both of these candidates had clear, concise campaign messages that resonated positively with the citizens. Newly elected David Russell will bring a wealth of knowledge to the county commission to complement the talents of fellow, sitting Commissioner Jeff Stabins. A special thank you needs to be expressed to Commissioner Nancy Robinson and school board member, John Druzbick for their 26 years of combined, dedicated experience leading our county into the 21st century. We all owe Nancy and John a debt of gratitude for their selfless dedication to public service and they will be sorely missed by their many supporters.
**Congratulations to Lara Bradburn for her win as new Brooksville City Council member. Lara's energy and enthusiasm will certainly be an asset for the city!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Good luck to all

On this evening before the November 7th election, a round of applause goes out to all the candidates that competed in this year's election season. Each candidate is a winner in the eyes of our community for their hard work and determination to positively influence our future here in Hernando County. Good Luck to all!

Substance is what counts

“I am woman, hear me roar” is a campaign message being used by a judicial candidate. Every election season we are bombarded by cute jingles and slogans with little or no meaning in their content. One jingle being promoted by the democrats is “Let’s take care of tomorrow by making a change today.” What does that mean? Does it mean that if we vote for democrats we should believe the misleading campaign ads being promoted by the local Democratic Executive Committee in the Hernando Times? The question everyone should be asking themselves is, “Where are all the democratic candidates hiding? If they are absent from scrutiny before the election, it only stands to reason they will be unavailable after the November 7th. Jaime Wrye is running on a campaign of comic relief while Glenn Claytor is boasting his age gives him superior wisdom. Rose Rocco was a little more open in her approach by stating that Ad Valorem reduction was not warranted during this year’s budget negotiations. Sandy Hawkins is trying to appeal to the sympathy vote running as a single mother. Are any of these a reason for you to cast your ballot? Or is consistent Ad Valorem reduction more appealing to you? How about leadership in growth management? Or would a strong economy appeal to your senses? If so, look no further than Robert Schenck, David Russell and Nancy Robinson for their proven track records in public service. Cute jingles and fancy slogans will be placed on the shelf to collect dust tomorrow but just remember, substance is what counts on Election Day.

Rather odd amendment

The ad says, Vote Yes November 7th for these City of Brooksville Charter Amendments. This ad was paid for by the city of Brooksville taxpayer dollars and should send up red flags. Why is the city using tax funds to promote charter amendments by telling the voter how to cast their ballots? One amendment that will appear on the ballot tomorrow is amendment #2 which would allow a former elected official to work for the city. This seems rather innocent, or is it? Rumors have it that this amendment was written specifically for outgoing Mayor Joe Johnston who is term limited as a council member. It seems that the city's health insurance policy is the driving force behind this rather odd amendment. If Mr. Johnston leaves the city, so goes his insurance. Does the city really need to be making charter amendments designed for one individual? The Florida Supreme Court ruled a similar one person law unconstitutional with Terry's law, didn't they?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Thank you, Mr. Schenck...

I would like to commend Robert Schenck, candidate for the Florida House, for his statements in yesterday's Hernando Times concerning the disparaging remarks by the Hogans in reference to Muslins. Mr. Schenck emphatically stated, " The Hogan's views do not represent Republicans in this county. Obviously, they have a First Amendment right to free speech and we certainly have a right to disagree with them." Thank you, Mr. Schenck, for expressing the viewpoint that many of us have been at a loss for words to express.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Very interesting film

Did anyone watch "Hacking Democracy" on HBO last night? If you looked beyond the liberal-leaning tendencies of the author, Bev Harris, this was a very interesting film on voter security. Even though HBO refers to "Hacking Democracy" as a documentary it does not provide a balanced look at voter security. Bev Harris is a writer from Seattle, Washington who became interested in voter security after her area began using touch screen voting machines in 2002. The program went into great detail about Diebold voting equipment. At the conclusion of the program, a trial mini-election was conducted by Leon County Supervisor of Elections, Ion Voltaire Sancho, to test his scantron equipment in Tallahassee Florida. A test was conducted to see if the votes could be hacked without detection on their Accu-Vote machines and it was proved that the ballot box could be stuffed by entering votes on the computer's memory card. Hacking Democracy was an intriguing program since Hernando County currently uses the Accu-Vote scan machines to register votes. If you missed the program last night, a synopsis can be accessed at this link:

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Last night, I watched debates for the senate, CFO and attorney general races. I missed the earlier debate for governor. Katherine Harris did a superb job debating the points of her campaign for senate. Mrs. Harris had to debate Tim Russet, the moderator, more than her opponent but it gave her the opportunity to make all her points. During this heated debate, Mrs. Harris did a superb job presenting her platform, as well as pointing out the voting record of her opponent. Her opponent was on the defensive throughout the hour, trying to defend his poor voting record. In the CFO race, neither candidate was extremely strong in their presentations but Tom Lee was able to expose the misrepresentations of his candidate's advertising campaign saying she had never voted to raise taxes. Mr. Lee was able to show that his opponent had voted to increase telephone taxes on a committee which she served on in Hillsborough County. Bill McCollum's presentation was very professional, unlike that of his opponent who became flustered during the debate. Mr. McCollum proved to the citizens that he has the ability to be our next attorney general. In my opinion, the only reason outside moderators, like Tim Russet and Chris Mathews, were invited to the state of Florida was to sway public opinion. These two national commentators badgered republican candidates while tossing softball questions to their democratic opponents. I missed the gubernatorial debate because I switched the channel when Chris Matthews became so belligerent with Charlie Crist. Tim Russet was just as aggressive with his attempted intimidation techniques with Katherine Harris last night. I hope everyone is ready to cast their ballot on November 7th. Just imagine how quiet television and radio will be for a few weeks without campaign commercials...

Vengeance Trail 2006

The Hernando Sportsman Club will host a SASS championship shooting match this weekend. The match starts at 9 a.m. on Saturday, November 4th, and continues through Sunday, November 5th. Champion shooters from around the country will be competing in this event titled, Vengeance Trail 2006 . The line-up of the tournament of champions is Evil Roy, Long Hunter, Handle Bar Doc, Lefty Longridge, Ozark Azz, Quick Cal, single Action jackson, Shalako Joe, Badlands Bud and Lead Dispenser. You can come out to just watch, or you can participate in the event. Food, from Burgers to BBQ, will be served throughout the weekend for a minimal charge. Club members are admitted free, with a $2.00 charge entrance fee for non-members. Children under 12 admitted free with an adult. So put on your best cowboy (or cowgirl) gear and come one out to see some real slick western-style shooting. Call Randie or Diane Rickert for further information at 352-597-9931.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pioneer Day

The Chinsegut Nature Center, along with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, will host "Pioneer Day" this Saturday, November 4, 2006 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event will take place at the Chinsegut Nature Center which is located approximately 7 miles north of Brooksville on Lake Lindsay Road (at the flashing traffic signal, go west off US41). Pioneer Day has many fun things planned like kid's sack races, watermelon seed spitting contests, cow milking, soap making, beekeeping demonstrations, etc. This is a family-friendly event should be great fun with the old-fashioned hand-cranked ice cream and horse drawn wagon rides. For more information, call (352)754-6722.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Call on Senator Kerry to apologize

WASHINGTON- Today, Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-05) joined Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) to call on Senator John Kerry to apologize for his recent remarks about our brave troops who are fighting in Iraq. Brown-Waite, Kingston and 25 House Republicans sent the following letter:

Senator John Kerry
304 Russell Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Kerry:

We are writing to express our outrage over your recent disrespectful and condescending comments concerning our brave troops in Iraq. We demand that you offer a clear and simple apology, without caveat or explanation, to America's finest.

In case you don't remember, you told a recent campaign audience, "You know education, if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." We don't know how many of our soldiers you have met, but they are the best and brightest that our nation has to offer and unlike you, Senator, they do not believe they are "stuck in Iraq."

Senator Kerry, it is bad enough that you disparage their mission at every chance you get, that you ignore any signs of progress or hope, that like the mainstream media you focus only on the bad news and ignore the good news that American troops and their Iraqi allies are bringing to Iraqi families every day, and that you offer no alternatives and no plan for victory in Iraq or in the larger War on Terror. Sadly, this seems to have become a pattern: blame America first and disparage the men and women who serve so bravely in our defense.

We hope you will quickly and clearly apologize and in the future think about those who are in danger, so far away, so that we may remain free to exercise the freedoms here that they are bringing to millions of people over there.


Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA)
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL)
Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL)
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ)
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN)
Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ)
Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX)
Rep. Adam Putnam (R-FL)
Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL)
Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO)
Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN)
Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA)
Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI)
Rep. Tom Price (R-GA)
Rep. John Peterson (R-PA)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)
Rep. Barbara Cubin (R-WY)
Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX)
Rep. C.W. Bill Young (R-FL)
Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA)
Rep. Steve King (R-IA)
Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK)
Rep. Mike Sodrel (R-IN)

Happy Halloween!

“May every tricks
That you try tonight
Foretell a future
Of true delight.”
*Vintage Postcard, 1915

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Shortsighted isolationist thinking

The city of Brooksville will have referendums on the November 7th general election ballot concerning city charter revisions. There are three proposed changes for the city charter this election year. One proposed change clearly spells out that only city residents can serve on the city charter review / revision committee. From an inclusive standpoint for city residents, this would prevent anyone from serving on this charter review / revision committee that did not live within the city limits. This would be a good choice if the city consisted with only residential property within their (city) limits without any commercial or industrial business. But we all know that the city could not survive without commercial and industrial interests propping up their tax base so why would anyone choose to exclude them from sitting at the table to discuss the city charter? Most business interests, from attorneys, to doctors, to contractors, or shopping outlets, are run by individuals, or corporate structures, that are outside the city limits. Having said that, it does not diminish the tax base that these many businesses bring to the yearly city budget. Having served on the previous city charter review/revision committee, I can dare say that one individual cannot make any overriding decisions for this committee because of the existing review and revision structure for the city charter. This is a five step process of review by the committee, then the city council; and revisions by the committee, then revisions by the city council before it is placed on the general election ballot to be decided by only city voters. This five step process is all open to the public with input considered on all levels for the city charter. Isolationist governing by the Brooksville City Council only creates a feeling of ill-will for the many long time supporters of city projects. The supporters,such as their commercial and industrial property owners, that have contributed to the city's tax base by their choice of moving to the city without a vote. Long term visioning should not include this type of shortsighted, isolationist thinking if the city of Brooksville expects to thrive with a strong economic growth in the future.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Please say a prayer

Please say a pray for him David Weinman, former chairman of the Hernando County Fine Arts Council. Dave is gravely ill, under hospice care, with his wife Betty at his bedside. My thoughts are with Dave and Betty at this most difficult time in their lives.

Daylight Saving Time officially ends this Saturday, October 29, 2006.

Please remember to set your clock back by one hour!

All the smoke

In this morning's newspaper, county administrator, Gary Kuhl was quoted as saying the insurance issues seem insurmountable and there seems to be no interest in changing usage designation of the old hospital from medical to storage. Mr. Kuhl also said that he had received three or four inquiries for the purchase of the old hospital. Any clear thinking individual can understand the frustration of Commissioner Stabins by the road blocks set up by the county administration staff. The Hernando County Board of Commission gave clear, concise direction for the old hospital at a previous meeting but have been mired down in red tape. Where did this red tape come from? Was it Gary Kuhl for not following the direction given to him by the full board of county commissioners by a consensus vote? Was the red tape created by Commissioners' Rowden and Kingsley acting outside the authority of the entire board of commission to push their personal agenda to sell the hospital? As each month creeps away in this endless bureaucratic cycle another $74,000 a month in tax payer money evaporates in upkeep for this vacant facility. Commissioner Stabins, Robinson and Hogan should be asking to see the three or four purchase inquires mentioned by Mr. Kuhl since they are subject to open public records regulation. This is not the first time the administrator has not carried out the direction of the board in a timely fashion. Mr. Kuhl did not have the ordinance for the 4/5 majority vote on the comprehensive plan prepared on the date directed by the county commissioners and had to be prompted to grudgingly submit it a week later. The county website has the general job guidelines for the county administrator which reads, in part: The county administrator is the Chief Administrative Officer appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. It is the responsibility of the County Administrator to effectively implement all decisions, policies, ordinances and motions made by the Board of County Commissioners. What part of implement all decisions, policies, ordinances and motions does the county administrator not understand in his job title? Taxpayers are having a hard time with all the smoke that is being blown at the hospital issue. It is time Commissioners Stabins' plan be removed from life support by the majority of the commissioners at their next meeting and breath some fresh air into this issue.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Secure Fence Act

This afternoon, President Bush signed the Secure Fence Act, hailed by Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite as a concrete step to secure America's borders. This fence will consist of physical fences, unmanned aerial vehicles and electronic sensors on the most porous 700 miles of the United States southern border. "Americans want real border security now," said Rep. Brown-Waite. "I heard from nearly 25,000 5th District residents about the need for tighter border security, and almost unanimously, they oppose the Senate's amnesty bill and favor the House's approach to close our borders first and the Secure Fence Act will stem that tide and help protect law-abiding American citizens."

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Future Transportation Maps

For people interested in the long range transportation plans and roadway network for Hernando County, Mr. Ronald Pianta, planning director for the county has offered an invitation to attend two workshops for public input. For citizens that are concerned with the future roadway network plans for Hernando County, here is your chance to voice your opinion:

  • Hernando County Commission Chambers/20 North Main Street, Brooksville
  • Thursday, October 26, 2006 from 3-5 p.m.
  • Monday, November 6, 2006 at 5 p.m
  • Contact Jim King, 754-4057, ext. 28020

This workshop will discuss the Functionally Classified Roadway map 2025, the Highway Network Map 2025, and the Buildout Thoroughfare Map under consideration for updating the comprehensive plan.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Russell endorses Ginny Brown-Waite

Florida Representative David Russell became concerned in his bid for Hernando County Commission when he was asked the question why was he running against Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite. David Russell wants the voters to know that Ginny has his firm support for re-election and clearly understands the confusion since his last name is the same as Ginny's opponent. David and Ginny have worked together quite well over the last decade protecting the interests of Hernando County, like funding for the future expansion of the County Line Road project, at the state and federal level. Retiring as distinguished member of the Florida House of Representatives, David Russell wants to make it clear to voters that he supports the Ginny Brown-Waite Campaign by his endorsement of her re-election to Congress.

Gubernatorial election

Last week the Tampa Bay Business Journal ran a survey question about the race for Florida's governor. The question was, "Who will you vote for in the gubernatorial election?" The results:

  • 56% - Charlie Crist
  • 41% - Jim Davis
  • 2% - Other

Monday, October 23, 2006

Kitchen table politics...

Last year, the Honorable Steven Rushing was appointed by Governor Jeb Bush to serve as a judge for circuit court. When Judge Rushing was sworn into office he became ineligible to participate in any partisan events, clubs, or political party activities by Florida State Statutes. Shortly after his appointment, Judge Rushing's wife, Mia, emerged on the local political scene, throwing herself into activities like the Nature Coast Federated Republican Women's organization and fund raising for Republican candidates. Mrs. Rushing has a guest column in the Hernando Today to occasionally to voice her opinion on what she perceives as political facts. Mia Rushing's articles clearly outline her right wing conservative point of view. Keeping in the spirit of the family, Timothy Rushing, the offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Rushing, is now a political cartoonist for the Hernando Today. Timothy cartoons have been what one would call equal opportunity cartoons, with arrows being flung to both sides of the isle. For example, his cartoons have attacked Rose Rocco, Democratic candidate for county commission, as well as sitting Republican county commissioner, Jeff Stabins. Ms. Rocco was portrayed as a puppet of Diane Rowden and as a unveiled rat in another cartoon. Timothy Rushing's cartoons have advocated the over throw Jeff Stabins several times. In fact, the cartoon in yesterday's paper depicted the demise of Jeff Stabins in the 2008 election. It will be interesting to see if these ominous caricatures of local political figures by Timothy Rushing include his father, Stephen, when he runs for re-election. Tip O'Neal coined the phrase that all politics are local which has proved to be true in many ways. Local politics usually begin in the home, and this is how the phrase "kitchen table politics" was labeled during the Clinton administration. Keeping it all in the family with the non-partisan judge, the political activist, and the equal opportunity political cartoonist. What a wonderful country we live in where someone can have his cake, and eat it too!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Big time

The local Bandshell Bash made the big time by winning the 2006 Roy F. Kenzie Cultural Enhancement Award. This award was presented to Brian Brijbag, on behalf of the city of Brooksville, at the Florida Redevelopment Association Conference in Miami yesterday. Brian was quite gracious when accepting this recognition, stating that this was truly a community award for the efforts of the Bandshell Bash committee, the Hernando County Fine Arts Council, and all the local businesses and individuals that participate in this monthly event. The Florida Redevelopment Association brings together professionals involved in preserving Florida communities, and their main goal is urban revitalization. It was fabulous that our town was recognized for the achievements of these fine folks. Congratulations to all the hardworking individuals that make the bandshell Bash a success each month!

Poll has Ginny at 56%

WFLA TV was the sponsor of Survey USA Election Poll for the 5th Congressional District. This poll was conducted September 17-19, with pollsters contacting 1000 individuals. Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite held a substantial lead with 56%, with John Russell (D) trailing far behind at 40%, with 4% still undecided. If you would like to check out the complete breakdown of this survey, click on the attached link:

Real change of pace

This afternoon, my husband and I had a real change of pace from our usual brown bag lunch. We attended a concert in the park on Ft. Dade which was sponsored by the Hernando County Fine Arts Council. As we munched on a catered lunch from a local restaurant, we listened to the music of Nova Era. This 3-piece combo played classical music with a modern upbeat tempo. The group's members were dressed in Victoria costumes, included the white powdered wigs of that era. About 75 people had gathered on the lawn to casually eat lunch and enjoy the music of Nova Era. The participating restaurants were Mallie Kylas Cafe, Main Street Eatery and the Sunrise Cafe. What a nice way to spend our lunch time. Thanks go out to Linda Anderson, treasurer of the HCFAC, who worked so hard to organize this event.

Health Fair

Make sure that you mark your calendars for the annual Hernando County Health Fair that will take place on October 28th, from 10 a.m. to 2 pm., at the Elk's Club on SR50 (not far from the parkway). This free health fair is being sponsored by Oak Hill, Brooksville, and Spring Hill Regional Hospitals, along with the Hernando County Health Department. The health department will be administering flu shots for $25.00. Professionals will be on site to answer your health care questions.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite has been endorsed by IMP-PAC. IMP-PAC is under the umbrella of the organization, It's My Party, Too. Christine Todd Whitman, the former governor of New Jersey, and former a member of President Bush's Cabinet for Environmental Protection, founded "It's My Party, Too". This organization provides a place for moderate Republicans to reach out to one another and support those that believe in basic Republican principals of fiscal responsibility, engaged foreign policy, strong national defense, personal freedom and protecting our environment, without engaging in social conservative agenda.

NRA Endorsements

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has published their endorsement of candidates for the 2006 election cycle. Listed below are the NRA's candidates of choice:

  • Charlie Crist /Governor
  • Tom Lee / CFO
  • Charles Bronson / Commissioner of Agriculture
  • Bill McCollum / Attorney General
  • Katherine Harris / US Senate
  • Ginny Brown-Waite / US House of Representatives

For the latest in NRA election news related information, please visit their website at

Skipping the election?

If you are contemplating the thought of skipping this election, and not casting your ballot on November 7th, please consider the following quote by Sara Brady, "This is the opportunity we've been waiting for." Senator Charles Shumer (D) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) are masterminding a campaign to overturn the pro-gun majority and here is just a small taste of what may be in store for us:
  • Federal Arsenal License: to possess more that 20 firearms a special $300 "federal arsenal license" will be required along with law enforcement approval and extensive background check
  • To get the "arsenal license" you have to allow home inspections by BATFE agents 3 times a year
  • Small caliber pistols and revolvers would be banned
  • Ammunition determined to be non-sporting would be banned & magazines could only hold six rounds
  • Waiting periods and gun rationing would take place with a national 7-day wait period
  • Registration combined with fingerprinting, fees, and fire safety courses, to obtain two year licenses

Former President Ronald Reagan said it best, "You won't get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There's only one way to get real gun control: disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up, and if you don't actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time".

Citrus County Forum

Last night I attended a forum at the Citrus County National Guard Armory to hear the judicial and congressional candidates. This standing room only event was hosted by Citrus County Chronicle and firm rules were implemented to insure all the candidates were given a fair opportunity to make their presentations without being heckled by the audience. The audience did its best to comply with rules by using signs to make a point instead of heckling the opposition candidates. The judicial candidate's from Hernando County were Jeff Kirk and Daniel Merritt, Jr. who both gave a 5 minute presentation to introduce themselves to Citrus County voters. Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite did a dynamic job with her statements, along with giving in-depth answers to questions asked by the panel. Our congresswoman gave clear, precise answers for the comprehensive energy bill passed by the House; why veterans should support her in this election; and her firm position on the illegal alien problems facing this country. Mr. Russell used his time to personally attack Mrs. Brown-Waite and then danced around the questions. Although the audience was packed, the support was obvious for Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite by the sea of waving signs. Just a note that I thought was interesting about the Citrus County election is that they elect their mosquito control directors by district and the pay is $4,800 a year...