Thursday, November 02, 2006


Last night, I watched debates for the senate, CFO and attorney general races. I missed the earlier debate for governor. Katherine Harris did a superb job debating the points of her campaign for senate. Mrs. Harris had to debate Tim Russet, the moderator, more than her opponent but it gave her the opportunity to make all her points. During this heated debate, Mrs. Harris did a superb job presenting her platform, as well as pointing out the voting record of her opponent. Her opponent was on the defensive throughout the hour, trying to defend his poor voting record. In the CFO race, neither candidate was extremely strong in their presentations but Tom Lee was able to expose the misrepresentations of his candidate's advertising campaign saying she had never voted to raise taxes. Mr. Lee was able to show that his opponent had voted to increase telephone taxes on a committee which she served on in Hillsborough County. Bill McCollum's presentation was very professional, unlike that of his opponent who became flustered during the debate. Mr. McCollum proved to the citizens that he has the ability to be our next attorney general. In my opinion, the only reason outside moderators, like Tim Russet and Chris Mathews, were invited to the state of Florida was to sway public opinion. These two national commentators badgered republican candidates while tossing softball questions to their democratic opponents. I missed the gubernatorial debate because I switched the channel when Chris Matthews became so belligerent with Charlie Crist. Tim Russet was just as aggressive with his attempted intimidation techniques with Katherine Harris last night. I hope everyone is ready to cast their ballot on November 7th. Just imagine how quiet television and radio will be for a few weeks without campaign commercials...

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