Friday, September 18, 2009


Geez, it sure is disheartening to find out that Hernando County Firefighter Jason Brazinski is so overwrought at work he needs to vent online. Maybe if he spent a little more time dedicating his time to work-related activities instead of sounding off on Facebook his tension level wouldn't be so high.
Yes, firefighters see a lot more of the seedy-side of life that most people do not experience, but having Brazinski call Hernando county residents dirt bags is way out of line. First of all, isn't he suppose to protect the privacy of the people he treats in the community. Maybe he ought to spend a little more time researching HIPAA regulations that strictly prohibit this type of gossip. Secondly, the dirt bags that he has so crudely described are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The most important reason to correct his lapse in judgement is these so-called "dirt bags" are residents of this county and probably pay his salary through an MSTU / MSBU fees on their property.
The most amazing point of this story was missed by Tony Holt, the reporter for the Hernando Today. Why does Chief Nickerson allow these firemen to cruise the Internet when they are at work? This is the taxpayer's money being wasted by Brazinski, and his fellow firemen, will they idle away their time on the payroll-clock. This noodling activity is almost as wasteful as the firefighters going to the local gym on the taxpayer's dime. Surely, Nickerson could find something productive for these firemen do while on the clock.
Kudos to the Hernando County Sheriff's Department for having a policy that strictly prohibits this activity on social and interactive networks. Maybe Chief Nickerson ought to give Rich Nugent a call for a few pointers on how to run his department.


Jason Brazinski said...

Oh my dear Anna, still trying to find company in that miserable life of yours? Looks like I may have found my anonymous faxing friend??. Kinda hypocritical to take exception to the word dirt bag with all the non stop hatred you spew (often times on the tax payers dime). You still can't seem to comprehend the fact that we work for 24 hours (sometimes 48) straight. While running calls, training (on things like HIPAA), station/truck maintenance takes up the majority of our day, thankfully a LITTLE down time does exist. During that down time some of us choose to utilize our personal phones/computers to use the internet. We don't use county equipment.

HIPAA applies to the patient Anna. In both instances the patient was not identified, no specific names or medical details were released, not even the location of the call. Furthermore, the patients in these scenarios were not the dirt bags. Bottom line is we have dirt bags all over the county, some are taxpayers and help to pay my salary as you suggest. Some are convicted sexual predators, some are thieves, some are spouse abusers. While you might not like my opinion, these individuals are dirt bags.

alc said...

I don't think I need to add another comment; You have pretty well stepped all over your own tongue on this one. You can't wipe your face and hands off enough to remove your self-centered smug-ness we all abhor as taxpayers...
Anna Liisa

alc said...

BTW, Jason-
Count me out as "your anonymous faxing friend" as you suggested in your comment. If I have anything to say to you, or anyone at the county, I'll email or call directly to get my point across, without hiding behind a mask of anononimity. alc