Friday, April 17, 2009

"Blazing the Base"

Bob Haa, talk show host for WWJB radio, announced on the air this morning that Blaise Ingoglia was elected last night as the new chairman for the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee. Bets are already coming in from party insiders on the committee who are already placing odds on this arrangement. They are giving it about 6 months before the executive committee implodes from within the walls of the REC.
The handwriting was on the wall for this election when Trinque was re-elected in January. She just kept the seat warm for Ingoglia until he was voted in as a new member at the HCREC this spring. This new membership positioning gave Ingoglia the opportunity to be placed in the driver seat of chairman. Apparently REC members were duped by their board of directors who manipulated this election to seat Ingoglia as chairman.
"Building up the base" was the slogan during Trinque's term to entice new members to the HCREC. Maybe the new chair of the REC will use a slogan like "Blazing the Base" as they continue to alienate party members across Hernando County. Too bad they didn't learn anything at their own Unity Rally last fall...


Anonymous said...

Just curious - Which would you prefer to be in the REC Chairman Seat? Ana or Blaise. (I know you don't want either - but which do you think is worse?)

alc said...

As you said, I don't want either one. The REC needs a chairman that can re-unite the party for everyone, not just give lip service to the far right-wing nuts.

The REC was very volatile under Ana's rule for the last 6 years and in my opinion, it will probably become even more so with the new chairman.

Anonymous said...

He got 43 out of 45 ballots and nominations came from the floor. Stop distorting the truth. BTW the REC is united and last year only lost one partisan race by working hard and getting the vote out. Care to name your party insider???

Anonymous said...

Not the Board...just Ana and the Bla ise's friends brought on board the REC by the Vice Chairman

Anonymous said...

Depends what you mean. I think Blaise will be very good at backing anyone who has an R after their name no matter what the cost to the taxpayer. Is that what the Republican Party is supposed to do?

Onslow said...

Strange - as soon as this commentary came up there was a strong barnyard odor coming from the screen.

alc said...

Anon 1- Your "floor nomination" was stacked with "groupies" of Ingoglia's Govt Gone Wild group that were recently placed on the REC by the prior chair. A 43-45 vote, with only one person on the ballot, sounds just a little like a dictatorship, doesn't it? What did the REC do with the two nay voters, take them out back & horse whip them? The only person the REC actively promoted in the 2008 election was Adkins. All the other republicans were elected in spite of the REC's interference.

Anon 2: Your comment speaks volumes about vice chair's recruitment of the far-right wingnuts that made up the Govt Gone Wild that are now in the major at the REC. From what I heard, the secretary threw her notebook across the dias after the vote, and indicated that if Ingoglia was elected she was resigning; she then abruptly left the meeting.

Anon 3: I don't mean to be critical of your excitement about Ingoglia but he did not & will not back everyone with an "R" behind their name as you claim. Have you forgotten the verbal barrage from Ingoglia & his band of malicious marraders had against Commissioner Jeff Stabins??? You just can't put that Genie back in the bottle now!

Anon 4: That barn yard odor you smell is coming from the manure at Adkins farm...

Anonymous said...

This is ANON 3 - You misunderstood my question about an R - He did end up backing Stabins, Druzbick and anyone else w/an R behind their name. Over and over the Taxpayer pays and pays for the loyalty to the R behind the name. The R's win and the Taxpayers lose.
You also misunderstood my "excitement" for Ingoglia - Me thinks that the "prominent" will continue to profit while the rest continue to lose their homes, jobs and representation in politics.

alc said...

Anon 3: This superficial backing of Stabins and Druzbick came a little late. It was after the damage had already been done to these men. Mr. Ingoglia stood at the podium during the budget hearings and pledged $25,000 to oust Stabins, and the two democrats. Ingoglia, and many other members of the REC repeatedly called the Bob Haa show to trash Stabins on a daily basis during, and after, the election. This trash talk included the talk show host jumping in with his two-cents worth.

Having an "R" behind one's name has nothing to do with being prosperous. Republicans believe in smaller government, with less taxes. They do not believe in taxing the "successful" to give hand-outs to others. They certainly do not believe in the re-distribution of wealth in our society.

Capitalism wasn't meant for giving hand-outs to individuals that were never capable of owning, much less keeping a home. People that work hard, and apply their education and talents are the ones that succeed in this world and should not be punished for their
endeavors. Believe me, profits are not a four-letter word.

Anonymous said...

You are a fool and a liar. As far as I know, Blaise NEVER attacked Stabins on the air and I listen religiously everyday. The only time he attacked Stabins was when he was fed up with Stabins attacking HIM!! And...what "superficial" backing of Druzbick? Blaise, as well as others drove that truck for weeks and paid for Druzbicks ad on the truck!! What did YOU do as 'such a good republican' to get him elected?....ANSWER THE QUESTION!!
You, my sourpuss friend, are a bigger problem than the St Pete Times!! You are just a liberal...and not well liked...check out the blogs below both articles today...maybe if you smiled a little more...

alc said...

Obviously, you have forgotten the "dog and pony" show at the budget hearings, lead by Ingoglia and Trinque. They issued verbal threats to Jeff Stabins position as a county commissioner. This attack is a matter of public record. In fact, Trinque and Ingoglia made comments the day after election (11-5-09)on the Bob Haa show that indicated they were still gunning for Stabins and were angry that he had won the election.

Frankly, if you want to know what I did to help candidates get elected, I suggest you speak with them. I owe you NOTHING!

The insiders at the HCREC have truly shown their colors as a party of hate & discontentment for fellow republicans in Hernando County. It has become quite apparent when you, or your group, cannot debate a topic, you then attack individuals personally, scream at the top of your lungs,call people names, and then think you are superior.
Come to think of it, you kind of sound like a liberal democrat, don't you???

BTW: Where are the campaign records for Ingoglia's activity in last year's election that detail the so-called $25K that he spend; if this dollar amount is correct, he should have filed to become a political action committee because HE actively campaigned to over-throw elcted officials...

Anonymous said...

You have always started the fight with your nasty and untrue articles. I know you did nothing for the republican candidates but put their signs out on your business along with democrat Chris Kingsley's.

alc said...

The only sign at my business that was not a republican was in the city race councilman. I backed Frankie Burnett in this nonpartisan race and will back him again if he chooses to run in the next election.

Although your information is totally incorrect about the signs and other candidates that I have backed, I will say that Mr. Kinglsey was a fair better commissioner than the slug that's sitting in the seat now!

Anonymous said...

" people names..." - "... the slug..."

Can you say - hypocrite?

Anonymous said...

This tit-for-tat does nothing to advance any good for Hernando County or our voters. I believe, you, Ms. Covell, are correct in your analysis that the local GOP is in for a rough ride. You are not the bad guy, nor should you even be the issue. Even with the 40+ plus votes cast,I don't believe Mr. Blaise can bring the unity needed in the party. This is a cycle and it happens in both parties. Some people choose to keep bitterness afloat, but they are the losers. I am not so involved in local politics, but, after reading past articles, watching and observing, I do believe you will be vindicated by Mr. Blaise's own future actions. I don't think he can help himself.

alc said...

Yes, I said Slug & meant it. This is just a little of your own medicine, much like the same garbage you & your lemmings have been flinging in my direction for quite awhile...

alc said...

I agree with the 'tit for tat' comment. I'm not the issue, Mr. Ingoglia's leadership of the REC is the issue...

Time will tell if Blaise can 'walk the walk' for ALL Republicans...

Anonymous said...

It was 42. There were 3 against. And Blaise's blog team is out in force showing exactly what we are all in for: major nastiness.

Jason Brazinski said...

No need for a Union President to hide. Your comments regarding Blaise are right on track from everything I've seen. I pretty much figured all of this October of last year when I submitted this editorial to the times.

It's stuff like this that really makes me question my being a Republican. From the top to the bottom, I think the party is getting more and more out of touch.

alc said...

Thanks for your comments, Jason. We have had our spirited debates in the past & I'm sure we will have them in the future. Our conversations have always been respectful of each other's opinions and beliefs, even when we agree to disagree. I don't think this "respectful philosophy" will hold true with the new leader of the REC though...