Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Snake oil...

Do you remember when snake oil salesman used outlandish techniques to peddle their products in western movies?

Well, it looks like we now have a new medicine man in town by the name of James Atkins. Commissioner James Atkins, that is, who rode into town wearing a white hat, promising lower taxes and smaller government to the electorate last fall. This charlatan preached a mantra of “ax the taxes” to the masses and now wants $2.5 million of taxpayer money to bail-out an industry that was involved in many home foreclosures in Hernando County.

It seems Atkins has engaged the services of the founder of the Government Gone Wild seminars to hawk a local stimulus plan that would be financed with $2.5 million of taxpayer’s money. This air of enthusiasm by Atkins to sell this local stimulus plan in Hernando County would make a "western shill" blush with envy.

What part of smaller government don’t you understand Mr. Atkins? Responsible taxpayers in Hernando County do not want their hard-earned dollars used for any type of bail-out, locally, or on a federal level.

Responsible folks in our community are already grappling with the notion that we will be forced to cover the bad debt of some consumers in this nation. Are you now telling us that you want another $2.5 million from the local general fund to reward bad debt, Mr. Atkins? When did it become the taxpayers’ responsibility to bail-out homeowners in the foreclosure crisis?

There is no “silver bullet” to fix this economic solution, Mr. Atkins, other than pure grit and determination by the private sector to put people back to work. We don’t need any more government spending to create an even larger deficit in our lives.


Anonymous said...

You are correct! I don't pay my taxes to help bail out Blaise and his ilk. This idea is nothing more than a pay off for this "snake oil salesman" and his REC friend to pad their own pockets. Sorry Mr. Adkins fell for the scheme. To think they have the audacity to even ask for our tax funds is beyond belief. I would never vote for a supporter of this so-called stimulus plan. Have people completely lost their minds?

alc said...

It sure is an about-face of the Republican Party. It flies in the face of their core principals like smaller government, less taxes, and less government intrusion into our lives...

Anonymous said...

First, it's "Adkins". Learn to spell the man's name!!! Additionally, please duct tape your mouth shut and stay off the computer for a few months. The whole town (county?) is sick of you. You are a miserably negative person, and you are not a positive influence on this community.

alc said...

Thank you for your comments Sunshine!

Atkins or Adkins,who cares, his stimulus idea is still a slight of hand, con game, not in keeping with the principals of the Republican party...

Small ideas and small minds are bred within the walls of the local REC, and their boot-licking lackey Atkins is their messenger!