Friday, October 17, 2008

Marxist-type windfall

Joe, the Plumber. Bob, the Builder. Anna Liisa, the Electrician. All these small business ventures will fall under the same category in Barrack Obama's wealth redistribution plan. They will all be taxed at a higher rate under the Obama plan. Obama plans to give our money to people in the form of a tax refund. Over 50% of these people do not even pay taxes. These people will reap the benefits of small business in a Marxist-type windfall cooked up by Barrack Obama.

Every small business in this country needs to be very afraid of this convoluted plan of Barrack Obama. Not only will Obama tax many small businesses out of existence, he also plans to force employers to provide health insurance coverage for their employees. Under his plan, employers will be penalized if this coverage is not provided to employees. He also plans to have these policies cover all pre-existing illnesses. These health care costs will force the majority of small business to lay-off employees or close their doors all together.

One more point that should be made about Obama's plan to give 95% of the people a tax cut, with sweat & tears of small business. Obama plans to increase the social security/medicaid deduction on employee's pay checks. Don't forget that employers will also take a hit on this because they have to provide matching funds to the US Treasury.

Obama's elitist plan has failed to understand that Joe, the Plumber and Bob, the Builder do not stash cash under their mattresses. The money that he wants small business to pay at a 39% tax rate is routinely re-invested in additional employees, business equipment and capital projects to keep their business vital to the community. With these Obama proposals, small business will be forced to cut their staff, putting more individuals on the unemployment line.

Here's a suggestion from this small business owner, Mr. Obama. Keep your elitist ideas for your Hollywood crowd. You, Mr. Obama have no idea what the working class in this country need to do to put food on their tables and shoes on their children's feet. Your "wealth redistribution plan" will tax the middle class out of existence...

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