Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Travel time

Commissioner Kingsley has been reimbursed the highest amount for travel among all five of his fellow commissioners in Hernando County, for fiscal years 2006,2007 and 2008, according the Hernando Today. In fact, Mr. Kingsley received over 3 times the amount of travel reimbursement compared to the next highest commissioner's related expenses, with his totaling $3,512.11 . It would be interesting to know if these trips were related to official county commission business or travel time for Mr. Kingsley to attend St. Leo College...


Anonymous said...

That is rather troubling. Suggestion: rather than making a passive aggressive insinuation that he's using tax payer dollars for personal gain, why don't you ask the man himself, or better yet, bring forth an investigation? That would be more effective, would it not?

alc said...

Yes, thank you for your suggestion. I will email M. Bates / Hernando Today to see if he considered asking this question when he did the original article or if he is considering follow-up research on this topic.

Anonymous said...

Kingsley's sense of entitlement is exactly what we do NOT need in county government these days.

Anonymous said...

why have you not gone and filed a complaint about this yourself...we expect you to be the leader of the pack because you have the knowledge to file complaints better than any of us. just a concerned citizen that appreciates what you do. :) fnb

alc said...

I believe that Mr. Kingsley used very poor judgement with county employee education reimbursements as an elected official. Although he has returned the funds, the full impact of his actions will only be known at the polling place during the election process.

If Mr. Kingsley's travel reinbursement show any inappropriate use of his elected position, then the public can judge those actions at their local polling precinct, too.