Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Neck of the woods

During this morning's discussion on local talk radio, county commission candidate, Jaz Zydenbos, asked the show host how to pronounce 'Istachatta'. Apparently Mr. Zydenbos was in my neck of the woods for the county budget workshop last week. This question by Mr. Zydenbos brought back memories of the 2006 campaign.
Does anyone remember when Augie Peritti had no clue where Istachatta-Nobleton area was during his unsuccessful bid for county commission in 2006? He got stumped on a question about the Istachatta-Nobleton area in his first time interview on local radio. Being the trooper that Augie was during his campaign though he marched himself out to Istachatta and became a regular at the Friday night fish fry at the local general store in Istachatta.
Hopefully, Mr. Zydenbos will familiarize himself with the northeast section of Hernando County in his quest to become a county commission. At least there's hope for Jaz since he was able to find us on the map in his drive-by visit last week. Now all he has to do is learn how to say Istachatta and then look due east to see there are more Hernando County residents living in Nobleton!

1 comment:

JAZ Zydenbos said...

I'll be back for my own town hall meeting May 29th 2-3PM with my plan to clean up government and taxes and the next time I'll be sure to pronounce Istachatta correctly. Thank you for your commentary, and out of respect to you and for your faithful followers and to the fine folks I met in Istachatta, my apologies for bungling the name. Sometimes on air nervousness ties up the tongue.

JAZ Zydenbos