Thursday, March 06, 2008

Yes or no...

The November General Election Ballot will include a referendum question titled the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment. Voting yes on this amendment, per the exact ballot language, would protect marriage as the legal union of only one man and one woman, as husband and wife, and provide that no other legal union is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized. In plain language, this amendment provides for the marriage of only one man to marry one woman while prohibiting legal unions. In short, this Florida Marriage Protection Amendment would strictly prohibit the legal unions between consenting individuals if they are not classified as one man and one woman, thus eliminating any homosexual unions.
The Florida Family Action Committee's founder, John Stemberger acted as the chairperson of the political action committee to push this amendment onto the 2008 General Election Ballot. In the three year process, the total donations to this PAC totaled $440,107. The largest contributor to this initiative was the Republican Party of Florida, with their donations in the amount of $300,000. The Florida Baptist Convention donated $30,000, with the Florida Catholic Conference giving $45,500 to push this issue. It should be noted that Dr. James Dobson's group, the Focus on Family from Colorado Springs contributed $13,500 to this cause while the Florida Family Action Committee gave $14,308. There was about $62,000 in smaller contributions to this PAC.
The large donors for the Florida Marriage Protection amendment should give everyone a clear picture of the overtone of this amendment, with the numerous religious organizations on board, with the Republican Party of Florida who is the largest contributor.
Before voting on this ballot initiative, please ask yourself the following questions. If you are married, or have a significant other of the opposite sex, have you ever felt threatened by someone in a homosexual relationship? If so, there is a term for your fear. It is called homophobia which is the fear of, or contempt for, lesbians and gay men. This prejudice is considered bigotry in today's standards when describing someone who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own. In other words, its bigotry.
Does our Florida Constitution really need this amendment or is it just another far, right wing proposal to control our lives? To protect all the citizens of this state, civil unions should be considered into the equation, in addition to the protection of marriage clause being proposed on this upcoming amendment.

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