Last Friday's editorial opinion by Jeff Webb of the Hernando Times hit the nail on the head. The title said it all which was "All fun, no work? No way." This editorial highlighted the gray-murky waters that the city council member will swim in tomorrow night at the Brooksville Country Club, to wine and dine the applicants for the new city manager position. Mr. Webb's said that this gathering will take place in a dimly lit spot of the Sunshine Law in his article. Everyone in the city who is interested in this none-city meeting, labeled a social gathering, should make a reservation at the country club to watch this non-public meeting in action.
Too Bad Jeff Webb was not aware that Councilman Richard Lewis had notified the city clerk over a week ago that he would not be attending this function. Mr. Lewis did not want taxpayers money spent on this event but this was not his main concern about the gathering. Mr. Lewis felt the mere appearance of impropriety was reason enough not to attend this dinner that had questionable connotations in reference to the Sunshine Law.