Monday, March 12, 2007


Rumor has it that we may see some action very soon to install an interim police chief in the city of Brooksville to replace Chief Tincher. The word out on the street is that Mr. Farley, the private investigator hired by the city, and city attorney David LaCroix, have negotiated the hiring of Eddie McConnell as an interium police chief. If this rumor is correct it would virtually sidestep Lt. Rick Hankins who is next in line for position of chief.
Apparently Mr. Farley and David LaCroix have arranged this interim appointment of Eddie McConnell as police chief saying that Lt. Rick Hankins would be too controversial in that position. If any thinks that an appointment of Mr. McConnell would not create controversy in Brooksville then they have obviously been on another planet for the last several years.
Even though the Brooksville City Charter prevents the city council from intervening in personnel matters, it sure looks like a little manipulation is going on behind the scenes. Maybe Richard Lewis was right when he indicated that Mr. Steve Baumgartener was a puppet for a few members of the city council at the last council meeting. It has been rumored that Councilman Joe Bernardini is suggesting the city hire Mr. Phil Wood, a former lieutenant with the Hernando County Sheriff's Department to be the next chief of police for the city of Brooksville. Incidentally, Mr. Woods is Councilman Bernardini's cousin. Convenient, huh?
The problem with this verbal undercurrent sweeping throughout Brooksville today is that the final word has not been issued on the fate of Ed Tincher or Ron Baker. If you think either of these individuals will have a fair hearing before Brooksville's Personnel Board, please understand that Councilman Bernardini was instrumental in having his neighbor and his daughter appointed to this board last month...


SHANNON said...

Mrs. Covelle,

There are a few facts that need to be pointed out in response to your opinion.

1. I am not Councilman Bernardini’s neighbor, I live in the same neighborhood.
2. I wasn’t appointed to the Personnel Board last month, it was 01/08/2007, and if my calculations are correct, that was a little more than two months ago.
3. I’m not sure how you can give Councilman Bernardini all of the credit for being “instrumental” in me being appointed to the Personnel Board when (from what I can recall and from what is recorded in the minutes from the City Council meeting on 01/08/2007) I was voted in 5-0 by the City Council.

It’s interesting how you think that this might be some sort of a conspiracy when there were two positions open for the Personnel Board, the add for the position ran in the local papers on multiple occasions, and still there were only two applicants.

So if you or anyone else is concerned about Mr. Tincher or Mr. Baker getting a “fair hearing” when presented to the Personnel Board, (and I can only speak for myself here) you need not worry, for I am a very strong-willed person with a mind of my own, who can listen to the “facts” presented to me objectively and form my own opinion without being persuaded by any outside influences. In fact, if you dug deep enough, you could undoubtedly link me in some way or another, to any of the people involved.

On another note Mrs. Covelle, you should be careful who you throw into your little lion’s den, for you know what they say about people who live in glass houses… Oh yes… who am I kidding…I’m sure you’re all too familiar, being a seasoned two-time running loser for County Commission.

One more thing Mrs. Covelle, this isn’t Melrose Place or Peyton Place, this is Brooksville. Maybe you should consider moving to California and getting a job for one of those sleazy rumor mill, trash talking tabloids. I hear they pay really well.

Shannon Pettry

alc said...

Thank you for your comments. I was certainly interested to hear that you will keep an open mind while serving on the personnel board for the city of Brooksville. Hopefully this board practices open rules that provide for the full disclosure of any Ex Parte information by seated members and they follow strict guidelines necessary to comply with the Sunshine Laws of the state of Florida.

In fact, a little more sunshine on this entire situation would go along way. Maybe the city council could request the county televise the weekly poker meetings at local downtown business. According to the word on the street is that several council members regularly attend these poker meetings & discuss city business at length...
The current rumor is that behind the scenes brokering is taking place to choose the position of the next city manager and the "rumored" choice is Jennene Norman. The biggest rumor this week is the third vote in this bargaining process to choose the next city manager would come from the mayor himself so he can have his dad installed as the next Brooksville Housing Administrator...

Yes, this is Brooksville. And with the "New Direction" taken by city council members Bradburn, Bernardini and Pugh, the city has come full circle to regress back into the "Good Old Boy Network of the 1990's and it isn't very appealing...

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Covell

It has been brought to my attention that you want to discuss and trash things over the internet. I just saw you and your husband at dinner the other night. Jeez, I thought we were pretty good friends. Typically I don't believe in discussing things over the internet or through emails. If you know me as well as you think you do, you would realize that I am a pretty straight forward person and can look you in the eye and tell someone how I feel about them.

Like I said, I thought we were friends, or at least friendly acquaintenances. Since you want to bring up my weekly social event and state that politics are handled here, I feel that this is an attack on me. You may not have intended that way, but it is what it is.

I used to be on the personnel board when I was a City resident. However, I resigned and now that I am not a City resident, I more or less stay out of the City's business. It's none of my business anymore.

It doesn't matter that a member of the City council is employed at my office, nor does it matter that another Councilman is one of my dearest friends. I, nor our social group attempts to influence their decisions on City matters. There is no violation of the sunshine law believe me.

It's pretty tacky of you to even suggest that we are discussing City business during our free relaxing time. We gather on Thursday nights to disuss things other than City business. We know the meaning of true friendship and how to socialize with our friends.

If you want to discuss City business all the time that is your prerogative, but leave me and mine out of it. Don't go throwing darts you can't recover.

Unknown said...

Ms Covell should try to be a little more informed when she spews out this drivel. Councilman Bernadini is a regular at the poker game. Mayor Pugh has not attended one game since the new council was seated. As for city business being discussed, if there were city residents who might be concerned about local politics and might mention their concerns to the councilman, what be be the foul. Is this any different than Ms Covell's private discussions with Mr. Lewis. Oh I'm sorry I guess that does not happen. In Addition, with all Ms Covell's chatter about the sunshine law, maybe she should review what it actually is supposed to cover. It applies to any gathering of two or more members of the same board to discuss some matter which will foreseeably come before that board for action. The key here is to come before the board for action. People like you Ms. Covell really thrive in forums like this because you can spout any rumor you want without any real basis or accountability. They use forums like this because they obviously cannot get voters to listen when they run for office and lose.

Anonymous said...

Kudos Steve!

Anonymous said...

Paul Nazar here. Sign your name people for the love of God.Phil Woods Great Choice, Ed McConnel Great Choice, Hey at least we would sleep better at night knowing they were not emptying out the property room with confiscated guns.I just wrote a reply to Mrs Covell on the "Shoe drop" Her reply by her was predictable and typicall,at least she's consistant She's incapable of speaking factually only with what she "hears" so I guess my "lengthly criminal activity" arrest in Key West was "juicy" and as usual repeating what that criminal with a badge Ed "I am not a criminal" Tincher told her.Lets all move to Nobleton next to ALC.Everything is perfect out there. Best Regards ,Paul Nazar 3 Pine Street Brooksville, Florida 34601

Anonymous said...

I see Mrs Covell has gone into the blog (she has the capability to remove responses by citizens whom she does not agree with or confronts her with facts)and removed my comment on her "shoe drop" she wrote about. I guess thats the easy way out for her to squelch anybody that confronts her and points out her arrogance and stupidity. By the way AL Covell, you should be carfull with whom you run your verbal diarhea too and about, you need to remember your family has legal history as well, you want to open a few cans of worms? Keep runnin yout pie hole. Paul Nazar

alc said...

Yes, I cut off the running commentary on several posts that equated to nonsense from the person signing himself as Paul Nazar. This person needs to ask himself if 11 major arrests, with 26 charges, ranging from felonies to misdemneanors rings a bell...

Anonymous said...

Equated to nonsense? Your the expert on nonsense and gossip. Your an ignorant person.Thats evident in your ramblings, keep up the good work, we all get a good laugh out of you at the council meetings and your blogs.Notice all the zero comments on your blogs?, your a bitter, uniformed lonly person who seeks to make her life somehow meaningfull through personal attacks of others from afar, your a coward who attacks good people and spread rumors and gossip,and defend those who are far more guilty of crimes while hidding behind a badge.One day soon you will eat a nice big slice of humble pie. I hope you choke on it.