Monday, September 11, 2006

Your own recollection

September 11th was designated Patriot Day by Congress and the President of the United States in 2001 after terrorists attacked our country in 2001. I still remember that morning starting out like any other day. It was a rainy Tuesday and no one seemed to be in a very good mood that morning. I had the radio on in my office tuned to the local AM station when I heard the announcer say a plane had just crashed in the World Trade Center. In disbelief, I switched on this little black & white TV in my shop to catch glimpse of what I presumed would be a tragic plane accident. This horrific sight became even more unbearable to watch as the second plane crashed into the other Trade Tower. Next came the view of the Pentagon being hit by a plane. I could not take my eyes off this little television even though the picture was a very poor quality. Fear griped my heart like at no other time in my life just knowing that our Nation was under attack. The sight of people leaping out of the Trade Towers was chilling enough and was only surpassed by watching the Trade Towers pancake upon themselves as they collapsed from this terrorist attack. These images will be ingrained in my memory for the rest of my life. I hope each of you has your own recollection of September 11, 2001 and you never forget that day either...

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