Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Newcomers make mistakes...

In this morning newspaper, Supervisor of Elections, Annie Williams was quoted as saying: "That is not uncommon for newcomers to make mistakes. We do have candidates that periodically need a little more help than others because it's new to them." Ms. Williams also stated that she did not if Ronnie McLean would face any fines but she would sit down with him on Thursday to correct his campaign reports. Possibly the Supervisor of Election could ask Mr. McLean why his treasurer failed to report contributions to his campaign last April and May, even though campaign finance laws require prompt reporting on his campaign treasurer's report, as prescribed by Florida Statutes. Another valid question Ms. Williams should ask Ronnie McLean is why he knowingly signed a Waiver of Report stating that he had no activity in his campaign for the reporting period of April through July when he had accepted $2,275.00 for that period. Another pertinent question that the SOE's office should ask Mr. McLean is why his designated campaign treasurer did not sign his treasurer report, dated July 28, 2006. One more point of interest that should be brought to Mr. McLean's attention is the incomplete report filed on July 28, 2006 that did not have the full addresses of all his contributors, nor did it have the required sequencing numbers. The SOE could also ask Mr. McLean why his printed campaign literature is not reflected in his treasurer report and why it (literature) does not contain the legal disclaimers reguired by law. The newspaper stated that it was unclear whether Mr. McLean would face any fines by the Supervisor of Elections office. Strict laws are written in Florida Statutes (104 to 106) to govern electors, elections, campaigns, campaign committees, etc. The following is the statement that every local candidate for public office is required to sign with the Supervisor of Elections Office. I,_______________________ , candidate for the office _______________________; have received, read and understand the requirements of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes. The campaign treasurer is required to certify that campaign records are true and correct, by understanding it is a first degree misdemeanor to falsify a public record (ss.839.13 F.S.) Hopefully, our Supervisor of Elections, Annie Williams, will stand behind her statement: "It's not something that should be taken lightly."

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