As promised, Representative David Russell has gotten the House to pass HB 1183 to validate the Hernando County School Board 1/2 cent sales referendum. This measure was on the 2004 General Election as a referendum but had not been advertised properly by the Hernando County School Board to be within the guidelines of the Florida Statutes. The bill reads as:
HB 1183 - Hernando County Special Election Validation
LOCAL BILL by Russell
Hernando County Special Election Validation: Validates all acts and proceedings had and taken in connection with the special election held in Hernando County on March 9, 2004, to authorize the levy of a discretionary sales surtax in Hernando County for the purpose of providing funds to finance the cost of new schools and equipment and improvements associated with such schools within the county; declares such special election legal and valid.
LOCAL BILL by Russell
Hernando County Special Election Validation: Validates all acts and proceedings had and taken in connection with the special election held in Hernando County on March 9, 2004, to authorize the levy of a discretionary sales surtax in Hernando County for the purpose of providing funds to finance the cost of new schools and equipment and improvements associated with such schools within the county; declares such special election legal and valid.
This HB 1183 is sure to breeze through the Senate and then onto the Governor's desk for his signature. The only thing left to free up over $6.3 million in sales tax funds for school construction is for a judge to give his stamp of approval for this procedure.
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