Thursday, January 26, 2006

Melting Pot

During the debate about the request for Spanish speaking site for Social Services at the BOCC meeting, Commissioner Jeff Stabins stated that we are all products of immigrants to this country. He also mentioned that Florida, by statute, is a English speaking state. Commissioner Stabins "immigrant" statement reminded me of my own grandparents who were immigrants to this country. They came through Ellis Island on a work permit from Finland in 1917. This country had a system of immigrant quotas during that era, based on the needs of America. My grandfather was lucky enough to draw a mining permit to bring him to this country with his family, and they traveled here in a cargo ship from Finland to Ellis Island. As they waited to be processed into America, my grandparents stood in pens like animals, waiting to be examined for disease, and deformities, by government agents at Ellis Island. Their desire for the promise of a better life overrode any hardship, or humiliation, they had to endure to become citizens of the United States. After long hours of work, and studying, my grandparents became naturalized citizens in the early 1920's and these studies included learning the English language. This country has always been seen as a big "melting pot" of cultures, religions, ethnicities, etc. I believe each of us has always taken pride in being American in our own way. Whether someone was born here, or they are naturalized citizens, the glue that binds each of us to this country is the universal language of English. Commissioner Stabins request for further research on the Spanish speaking website proposal was answered by Commissioner Schenck at Tuesday's meeting. Commissioner Schenck suggested that a link could be provided to change the language for the viewers choice, at the click of a mouse. This universal language button would include Spanish, Finnish, German, etc. This universal access could include a endless number of languages from across the world. This universal approach by Commissioner Schenck should be applied to the entire county website to make it a worldwide read in this big universe we call the Internet. Look at it from this standpoint, "We have a lot to offer the world, right here in Hernando County. From local business interests to tourism, our Nature Coast could be as easy as a mouse click away!"

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