Saturday, December 31, 2005
Personal Responsibility??
Where are the Trees?
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Has a New Day Dawned?
On the Lighter Side
Edging my way past the many rows of brown, steel, folding chairs, sensing an air of hostility in the crowd, I chose a seat next to the wall. Upon sitting down, I became acutely aware of my bleak surroundings.
Political propaganda and posters adorned the rough, dingy, white walls. Portraits of Ronald Reagan, George. H. Bush and Dan Quail smiled down on the crowd from the wall on the right, while local and state representative's photographs were hung on the left. The blood red drapes, with blue and silver stars, hanging in the front plate glass window did little to brighten the room, as the stark fluorescent lights glared down on the matted, dirty, gold shag carpet. An overwhelming scent of Aqua Velva directed my focus to the occupants in the room.
Muffled whispers were coming from small groups of people throughout the room, making me quite aware I was an outsider in their world. As the chairman, outfitted in a white smock resembling a dentist, called the meeting to order, I noticed the secretary sitting at the desk. She was tapping her dark red fingernails on the desk, flitting her streaked , blond hair, trying to call attention to herself. This woman gave me the impression of a middle-aged cheerleader because of the youth-oriented clothing she was wearing.
After the chairman had babbled on with the old minutes, he introduced a woman heading the steering committee in charge of filling vacancies, named Edith. As she stood up to speak, hanging from her ears were over-sized earrings, making her close cropped haircut seem more extreme and cold. She continually adjusted her large plastic glasses, which slid down her nose, as she spoke about the difficulty of interviewing new applicants. A very vocal woman seated behind me became outraged at Edith's lack of professionalism, objecting to the statements involving new members. This woman identified herself as Lois for the record, was dressed in a bright pink jogging suit and sneakers but she somehow seemed to fit into this obscure crowd. Lois stormed out of the building screaming at Edith that newcomers were not allowed at this meeting.
At this point I became very perturbed with the entire meeting, wondering how I ever agreed to become a precinct committeewoman on the republican executive committee. How dare these people sit in judgment of me when they could not conduct themselves in a civilized manner.
The vice-chairman stood up while his deep, resonating voice calling for order in the room. His presence seemed a little less intimidating because of the rumpled old oxford shirt he was wearing clashed with his trousers, making him seem somewhat comical. The chairman abruptly slammed the gavel down to adjourn the meeting while sighs of relief could be heard in the audience.
After witnessing this despicable display of petty, obnoxious individuals in the republicans executive committee tonight, my opinion of politics is even more tainted. Having this first-hand glimpse of the inside makes me wonder why the Grand Old Party has not yet imploded.
*The names in this essay are fictitious.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Innocent Until Proven Guilty??
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Where….is the miracle I spoke of? Well consider this and let your imagination translate the story into our own time-----possibly to your own home town. A young man whose father is a carpenter grows up working in his father’s shop. One day he puts down his tools and walks out of his father’s shop. He starts preaching on street corners and in the nearby countryside, walking from place to place, preaching all the while, even though he is not an ordained minister. He never gets farther that an area perhaps 100 miles wide at the most.
He does this for three years. Then he is arrested, tried and convicted. There is no court of appeal, so he is executed at age 33 along with two common thieves. Those in charge of his execution roll dice to see who gets his clothing---the only possessions he has. His family cannot afford a burial place for him so he is interred in a borrowed tomb. End of story? No, the uneducated, property-less young man who…..left no written word has, for 2,000 years, had a greater effect on the world than all the rulers, kings, emperors; all the conquerors, general and admirals; all the scholars, scientists and philosophers who have ever lived---all of them put together.
How do we explain that? ......unless he really was what he said he was.
-Ronald Reagan / Dailey Radio Commentary (syndicated) December, 1978
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Heart Institute VIP Party
Investiture Ceremony for Judge Stephen O. Rushing
Points to Ponder
Proud to have President Bush Leading the Way
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Statement from Katherine Harris
“We have organized a large finance and grassroots network around the state, and we are meeting or exceeding our goals in those arenas. In recent weeks, we’ve hired a new national fundraiser, Anne Dunsmore, and a new PAC fundraiser, Julie Conway, to our team. The recent changes in staff have significantly strengthened our campaign and the momentum is building as never before.”
“Over the next 10 months I will continue to take my message of reform and security to every voter in our great state. This campaign is about security for our future: Securing homes and giving all Americans the opportunity to become home owners; securing our families and protecting our children from predators; securing the future for our seniors; and securing our way of life by holding government responsible, keeping our taxes low, and giving our military every asset it needs to successfully wage a war on terrorism.”
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Blighted Property Here?
Monday, December 12, 2005
Thanks to Al Sevier
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Hats Off to Florida House Speaker Alan Bense
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Pearl Harbor Day
The Song:
History - in every century,records an act that lives forevermore.We'll recall - as in to line we fall,the thing that happened on Hawaii's shore.
Let's REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR -As we go to meet the foe -Let's REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR As we did the Alamo.
We will always remember -how they died for liberty,Let's REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR and go on to victory
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Oak Hill's Heart Wing
Fire Department News
Jean Rags / Health & Human Services
Deed Signing Party
P & Z Appointments
Monday, December 05, 2005
Christmas Tree Lighting
December 8 at 7 p.m. The theme is "Home for the Holidays" and will be televised on the Government Channel 19 through Christmas if you cannot attend in person . Call the county's Community Development at 540-6780 for questions. Please mark your calendar for this wonderful holiday event!
Hospital Deed Transfer Update
- The lessee will continue to pay rent at $300K per annum
- An amount equal the portion of Ad Valorem that would have been paid to Hernando County as modified by the substitution of the new facility for the current hospital site.
- An amount equal to the portion for fire dues for special taxing districts
Per the contract, the aggregate sum of all amount described above shall be referred to Addition Payment. In no way shall the additional payment exceed the full Al Valorem assessment on the new facility .
While speaking with Mrs. Robinson, I asked if this agreement required Spring Hill Regional Hospital & the Pinebrook facility to pay Ad Valorem property taxes with the same type of P.I.L.T. (payment in lieu of taxes) agreement). She was not sure but said if this stipulation did exist that she would fax to my attention right away. I have not received this information and assume that these two facilities will not pay any property tax under the amended lease agreement. I questioned Mrs. Robinson about why this provision to tax Spring Hill Regional and Pinebrook was not negotiated during the re-write of Brooksville Regional's lease and received no conclusive answer to my question. To be fair to Mrs. Robinson, she was one of the two commissioners that voted against the original lease in 1998 because it did not require the payment of Ad Valorem taxes.