Monday, July 30, 2007
Doesn't make sense
Remarkably silent...
Pro and Con letters about county government spending have consumed on the Hernando Today's editorial pages for weeks. I have made my comments on this format, as have others in our community on the local talk radio and at the podium of the county commission meetings. The one voice that has been remarkably silent on the budget issues is that of Hernando County County Commission Chairman Jeff Stabins and it has left a deafening roar throughout our county, with many of us questioning why we call this representative government.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Where's the equity?
Annie Williams, Supervisor of Elections is requesting a 20.32% increase in her budget to cover costs. Why? Didn't she save enough over the last five years when the county was flush with tax money to build up her reserves in a capital equipment account to run her department efficiently? "Where's the equity in this request, commissioners?"
During the public hearing for rate increase of Hernando County Fire Rescue, Commissioner David Russell stated that they (commissioners) would look really hard at recouping this $38.00 fee increase, with reductions elsewhere in the budget when he made his motion to approve their request. Does any recall Mr. Russell specifically asking the county administrator at the Wednesday budget workshop for this savings which would equate to approximately 0.40 mil (over their state mandated tax reductions) to compensate for this 25% fire fee increase to the taxpayers? "Where's the equity here, commissioners?"
Commissioner Kingsley was quoted in the Hernando Times this morning as saying, "Even a small increase is not the same as a budget cut which is not what the board requested" as he questioned the tax collector about her budget. Juanita Sikes is the only constitutional officer that has consistently returned money to the county coffers. "Where's the equity here, commissioners?"
Commissioner Rowden was empathetic when she stated on Tuesday that Spring Hill Fire Rescue charges a much lower rate than Hernando County fire Rescue when compared equally under a milage rate structure. Ms. Rowden had asked the budget director to run the figures and she stated that in comparison, SHFR charges 2.32 mil, with HCFR charging 2.65 mil. Incidentally, Chief J.J. Morrison needs to be commended for reducing their milage to this historic 2.32 mil in his proposed budget. Mind you, this 2.65 mil for HCFR does not even include the 25% fee increase just approved by the commissioners on Tuesday. "Where's the equity here, commissioners?"
Too bad the elderly lady for Wendy's isn't around now or she would be screaming, "Where's the Beef, commissioners?"
6oth reunion of Weeki Wachee
Stand-up kind of guy
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Goverment salaries
Dog & Pony show
While I do not want to stop the voice of the HCFR employees, I find this "stacking of the deck" at this public hearing by fireman an insult to the public. We pay their fees & paychecks...Big ones, I may add:
Hernando County Fire Rescue's beginning salary for firefighters is over $3,000.00 higher that the starting salaries in Citrus County, Polk County, Pasco County and Port Richey. In fact, HCFR is just $1,500.00 less that the starting salary of firefighters in the City of Tampa, complements of the Mercer study.
HCFR has not accounted for the 12 surplus vehicles...
5.5% automatic inflationary rate every year without oversight by the taxpayers. When did the inflationary rate for citizens on fixed incomes exceed 3%?
How do you explain the 12 under-used vehicles, a $92k salary for the chief who has no degree, a 22 minute average response in Nobleton? BTW, our first responders in Nobleton are Tri-County Volunteer Fire. We subsidize HCFR as a second response unit.
HCFR fire service $194.00
HCFR EMS $59.00
Dog & Pony show by HCFR -Priceless
What happened to us waiting for the countywide study currently being done by the $100,000 paid consultant?????
Anna Liisa Covell
Nobleton, Florida
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Looks a little fishy...
Derrill McAteer, attorney for the Hernando County Clerk of Court, stated that he had been contacted by Jon Jouban, assistant county attorney, about a discovery that the MSBU for Spring Hill Fire Rescue District had been dissolved in "1993 or 1994". Which is it, 1993 or 1994? If this is an actual record from Karen Nicolai's office it would have a specific date on the document, wouldn't it? If it was a court document, it would also have a time the hearing took place included in the document. What day was it?
Garth Coller stated in the same article that the matter was still "deep in litigation" and would not get specific about how Mr. Jouban discovered the SPFR's dissolved status. Wouldn't these documents be matter of public records if they were discovered in the files the Clerk of Court since Karen Nicolai is the official "keeper" of all records for Hernando County? Why did it take Mr. Jouban so long to notify the Clerk of Court's attorney about the discovery he made earlier in the month?
Sweet deal
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Fair tax discussion...
Do we need open, honest, debate about the IRS and the way we are currently taxed in this country? You bet we do but the debate needs to be balanced on both sides to insure this is the right approach for our future. For example, these are a few of the things that the local discussion has not included in their push for their Fair Tax legislation:
- Here's how it works: You buy a candy bar for a total price, including tax, of $1.30. One dollar of that price pays for the candy bar, $.30 goes to the federal government.
One dollar purchase + $.30 in tax sounds like 30 percent to you and me (and to every state that currently has a sales tax). But the “Fair Taxers” don't calculate it that way. They say: $1.30 total price. $.30 = 23 percent of $1.30, therefore the tax is 23 percent. - The 23 percent number in H.R. 25 is the equivalent of the 4.8 percent. To calculate the real rate of the sales tax, determine the original purchase price of an item. Begin with a $100 item, keeping in mind that a price tag that reads $100 has sales tax already built in. If our tax rate is 23 percent of the tax-inclusive sales price, then of the $100 final price, $23 of those dollars will be for taxes, meaning that the original pre-tax price of the item is $77. To get $23 in taxes on a $77 item, one must impose a 30 percent tax. In other words, a 23 percent sales tax on the tax-inclusive sales price is equivalent to a 30 percent tax on the actual price of the item.
- With the Fair Tax's 100 percent base, consumers would pay taxes on a great many things that may not intuitively seem like consumption. The list would include:
**Purchases of new homes
**Interest on credit cards, mortgages and car loans
**Doctor bills
**Gasoline (30 percent in addition to current taxes, which would not be repealed)
**Legal fees
(At today's prices, gasoline would cost almost $1 per gallon more. A $150,000 new home would run $195,000 – plus the 30 percent tax that the buyer would pay on the interest on the mortgage. In short, the Fair Tax taxes everything that one buys, with the one notable exception of education). - Fair Tax advocate state that you can regulate how much tax you pay with their system, by choosing to buy new items that are taxed, or used items which are not taxed which would have a dramatic effect on our economy.
The information listed above is only the tip of the iceberg for the concerns those the opposing of the Fair Tax issue. For a starting point to look at this Fair Tax issue realistically, try logging onto this link:
Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite has consistently stated that she is willing to listen to both sides of the debate without passing judgement on HB 25. Our congresswoman has stated on local talk radio her desire to wait until Congress holds hearings on the Fair Tax where both sides of the debate are heard by the public. Unfortunately, Ginny Brown-Waite has been unfairly criticized by the local talk show host, along with his army of callers that support this Fair Tax issue. Some very familiar voices of the local republican party have also been heard on this program voicing their discontent with Congresswoman Brown-Waite, or her assistants, for not attending last Saturday's Fair Tax Rally. I can't say as I blame Ginny Brown-Waite for not attending this event because she would have become the target of their debate.
***Some of the information listed above was obtained from
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
OSHA to sharpen pencils
Dept. of Veterans Affairs resigns...
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Representative Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-05) today released the following statement regarding the resignation announcement of Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary James Nicholson. Rep. Brown-Waite is the Ranking member on the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and represents the second highest number of veterans of any Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
“Secretary Nicholson has a long and distinguished history of service to our nation, beginning with his time in Vietnam, and culminating with his tenure at the VA. He led the VA with honor and distinction during his two plus years at the Department. While Secretary Nicholson’s legacy will include significant advances in health care services for veterans, it will also be diminished by the serious lapses in information security and the dangerous budget projection shortfalls that took place during his tenure. I would like to thank the Secretary for his service to our veterans and wish him luck as he moves into the next stage in his career. I trust that President Bush will conduct a thoughtful search for the next Secretary, someone who will continue to carry forward the mission of service to American veterans and work in a bi-partisan fashion to ensure they receive the benefits and care they deserve.”
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bring it on...
Judge Merritt said his order was not meant to put pressure on the county commissioners to provide funding for new judicial space but did not give any reason for imposing the order in the first place. This sure appears to be a tactic to force our county commissioners to spend money they do not have on a new judicial complex. In this era of tax reduction for the citizens, imposed by the Florida Legislature, everyone in local government needs to hold the line when it comes to the budget including Judge Merritt.
Commissioner Stabins was quoted in this morning's article as saying, "If the judges want to order us to put a new tax on the ballot for them, I'd be more than happy to let the voters decide if they want to pay for the new judicial complex." I will say it for Mr. Stabins, "Bring it on!" Let the voters decide by referendum if we want to a new multi-million dollar judicial center and place it on the Presidential Preference Ballot right next to the one by the Florida Legislature that will provide for the largest tax cut in this state's history!
The entire state of Florida is undergoing a process of tax reduction to the citizens, including here at home in Hernando County. Judge Merritt needs to just suck it up, so to speak, like everyone else is in government. His order to have Hernando judges recuse themselves from all cases involving the county appears to read like the classic Webster definition of misfeasance: the doing of a lawful act in an improper manner so that there is an infringement on the rights of another or others. If it isn't misfeasance, it is a complete failure to do what his duties require to be done equating to nonfeasance.
Hernando County Commission Chairman, Jeff Stabins needs to be commended for standing up to these type transparent intimidation tactics being used by our local judges!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Back door method
National level
- $2.4 Trillion: The overall tax increase faced by American families, seniors and business if President Bush's tax cuts expire.
- $1,716: The average tax increase for over 100 million Americans if tax cuts are allowed to expire.
- $2,034: The average tax increase that will hit 17 million seniors in President Bush's tax cuts expire.
- 6.24 Million: The number of jobs that will be created over the next decade by making President Bush's tax cuts permanent.
- $69 Billion: The cost of reinstating the death tax.
- $29 Billion: The amount spent in 2006 by Congress on frivolous "pork" projects that use taxpayers funds to reward local special interest and pressure groups.
- 44 Million: The number of married couples affected by the Marriage Penalty before it was reduced by President Bush. These families will be hit hard once again if the marriage Penalty is reinstated.
- $1,480: The average cost in 2000 for couples punished by the Marriage Penalty.
The Heritage Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan foundation looking out for the American taxpayers. You may want to check out their website which is:
Friday, July 06, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Overly abrasive
Take a look at the headline in this morning's edition of Hernando Today and judge for yourself. It reads, "Layoffs begin; county dumps 5 workers". Even though layoffs are inevitable in any organization facing a budget crisis, these 5 workers are living, breathing, human beings that have families to support in our community. This headline underscored the glee of the staff writer, with the approval of the editorial board, to allow this crude headline. Yes, lay-offs are necessary but to say the county "dumps" 5 workers is very tasteless for this paper.
In my opinion, the Hernando Times coverage of this budget crisis has far surpassed that of its competitor, the Hernando Today. The Hernando Times articles have included hard facts, without the accusatory tone of the other local newspaper. The opinions in the Hernando Times on this budget crisis have been voiced in the proper perspective in their editorial columns, not in the foundation of the their articles.
Search for new police chief...
Interim Chief Ross stated that one of the applicants could come from within the department. The logical choice would be Lt. Rick Hankins who has given his heart and soul to the Brooksville Police Department but that appears to be uncertain at this time. Lt. Hankins is waiting for the final version of the job requirements before making a decision to apply for this position.
It appears that Interim Chief Ross has already jumped the gun, so-to-speak, in the search for the new chief of police for the city of Brooksville. Mr. Ross has already taken the liberty of having lunch with a few of the interested candidates, even though the city manager just gave the go-ahead to advertise the position at Monday night's city council meeting. These interviews of prospective candidates by the Interim Chief Ross appear to defeat the very purpose of the selection committee currently being formed by the city manager. How can Mr. Ross serve on this selection committee, with an unbiased opinion, when he has already involved himself outside the purview of other prospective (committee) members? Is this selection committee being formed by Jennene Norman-Vacha merely facade to imitate a fair selection process of the next chief of police for the city of Brooksville?