I just finished reading Bernard Goldberg's new book titled, 'Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right'. Mr. Goldberg's book was about his interpretation of current politics in Washington DC. His frank discussion spoke for many of us that have been scratching our heads and wondering if the entire world has gone mad. Mr. Goldberg's book explains the shortcomings in both political parties, describing his interpretation of what he calls the far left lunatics to gutless wonders called republicans.
Bernard Goldberg was equally as critical about democrats as he was for the republicans. He describes liberals as hating George W. Bush for standing up for values and principals they grew up hating. He even listed a name for this condition, which is called Bush derangement syndrome. This 'BDS syndrome' was named by Charles Krauthammer, as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to policies, and the very existence of George W. Bush". Mr. Goldberg goes on to state that Mr. Krauthammer trained at Harvard to be psychiatrist before becoming a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist.
Mr. Goldberg's view of republicans was as equally unflattering, with him calling them gutless wonders in Washington who sold out their principals for power. He said he's had it with hypocritical republicans who say they are for small government but then spend our hard-earned tax money like Imelda Marcos in a shoe store. He stated that he has had it with weak and timid republicans who will not stand up and fight for conservative principals.
The descriptions of party politics, from the far left to the far right, in Mr. Goldberg's book were very blunt but necessary in today's climate. Even though Bernard Goldberg's book was a littler redundant it has become the feeling of many of us. The only major drawback of reading Mr. Goldberg's critical analysis of today's politics was it offered no positive feedback on how we should get back on track, politically speaking...