Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Call on Senator Kerry to apologize

WASHINGTON- Today, Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-05) joined Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) to call on Senator John Kerry to apologize for his recent remarks about our brave troops who are fighting in Iraq. Brown-Waite, Kingston and 25 House Republicans sent the following letter:

Senator John Kerry
304 Russell Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Kerry:

We are writing to express our outrage over your recent disrespectful and condescending comments concerning our brave troops in Iraq. We demand that you offer a clear and simple apology, without caveat or explanation, to America's finest.

In case you don't remember, you told a recent campaign audience, "You know education, if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." We don't know how many of our soldiers you have met, but they are the best and brightest that our nation has to offer and unlike you, Senator, they do not believe they are "stuck in Iraq."

Senator Kerry, it is bad enough that you disparage their mission at every chance you get, that you ignore any signs of progress or hope, that like the mainstream media you focus only on the bad news and ignore the good news that American troops and their Iraqi allies are bringing to Iraqi families every day, and that you offer no alternatives and no plan for victory in Iraq or in the larger War on Terror. Sadly, this seems to have become a pattern: blame America first and disparage the men and women who serve so bravely in our defense.

We hope you will quickly and clearly apologize and in the future think about those who are in danger, so far away, so that we may remain free to exercise the freedoms here that they are bringing to millions of people over there.


Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA)
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL)
Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL)
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ)
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN)
Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ)
Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX)
Rep. Adam Putnam (R-FL)
Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL)
Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO)
Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN)
Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA)
Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI)
Rep. Tom Price (R-GA)
Rep. John Peterson (R-PA)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)
Rep. Barbara Cubin (R-WY)
Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX)
Rep. C.W. Bill Young (R-FL)
Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA)
Rep. Steve King (R-IA)
Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK)
Rep. Mike Sodrel (R-IN)

Happy Halloween!

“May every tricks
That you try tonight
Foretell a future
Of true delight.”
*Vintage Postcard, 1915

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Shortsighted isolationist thinking

The city of Brooksville will have referendums on the November 7th general election ballot concerning city charter revisions. There are three proposed changes for the city charter this election year. One proposed change clearly spells out that only city residents can serve on the city charter review / revision committee. From an inclusive standpoint for city residents, this would prevent anyone from serving on this charter review / revision committee that did not live within the city limits. This would be a good choice if the city consisted with only residential property within their (city) limits without any commercial or industrial business. But we all know that the city could not survive without commercial and industrial interests propping up their tax base so why would anyone choose to exclude them from sitting at the table to discuss the city charter? Most business interests, from attorneys, to doctors, to contractors, or shopping outlets, are run by individuals, or corporate structures, that are outside the city limits. Having said that, it does not diminish the tax base that these many businesses bring to the yearly city budget. Having served on the previous city charter review/revision committee, I can dare say that one individual cannot make any overriding decisions for this committee because of the existing review and revision structure for the city charter. This is a five step process of review by the committee, then the city council; and revisions by the committee, then revisions by the city council before it is placed on the general election ballot to be decided by only city voters. This five step process is all open to the public with input considered on all levels for the city charter. Isolationist governing by the Brooksville City Council only creates a feeling of ill-will for the many long time supporters of city projects. The supporters,such as their commercial and industrial property owners, that have contributed to the city's tax base by their choice of moving to the city without a vote. Long term visioning should not include this type of shortsighted, isolationist thinking if the city of Brooksville expects to thrive with a strong economic growth in the future.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Please say a prayer

Please say a pray for him David Weinman, former chairman of the Hernando County Fine Arts Council. Dave is gravely ill, under hospice care, with his wife Betty at his bedside. My thoughts are with Dave and Betty at this most difficult time in their lives.

Daylight Saving Time officially ends this Saturday, October 29, 2006.

Please remember to set your clock back by one hour!

All the smoke

In this morning's newspaper, county administrator, Gary Kuhl was quoted as saying the insurance issues seem insurmountable and there seems to be no interest in changing usage designation of the old hospital from medical to storage. Mr. Kuhl also said that he had received three or four inquiries for the purchase of the old hospital. Any clear thinking individual can understand the frustration of Commissioner Stabins by the road blocks set up by the county administration staff. The Hernando County Board of Commission gave clear, concise direction for the old hospital at a previous meeting but have been mired down in red tape. Where did this red tape come from? Was it Gary Kuhl for not following the direction given to him by the full board of county commissioners by a consensus vote? Was the red tape created by Commissioners' Rowden and Kingsley acting outside the authority of the entire board of commission to push their personal agenda to sell the hospital? As each month creeps away in this endless bureaucratic cycle another $74,000 a month in tax payer money evaporates in upkeep for this vacant facility. Commissioner Stabins, Robinson and Hogan should be asking to see the three or four purchase inquires mentioned by Mr. Kuhl since they are subject to open public records regulation. This is not the first time the administrator has not carried out the direction of the board in a timely fashion. Mr. Kuhl did not have the ordinance for the 4/5 majority vote on the comprehensive plan prepared on the date directed by the county commissioners and had to be prompted to grudgingly submit it a week later. The county website has the general job guidelines for the county administrator which reads, in part: The county administrator is the Chief Administrative Officer appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. It is the responsibility of the County Administrator to effectively implement all decisions, policies, ordinances and motions made by the Board of County Commissioners. What part of implement all decisions, policies, ordinances and motions does the county administrator not understand in his job title? Taxpayers are having a hard time with all the smoke that is being blown at the hospital issue. It is time Commissioners Stabins' plan be removed from life support by the majority of the commissioners at their next meeting and breath some fresh air into this issue.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Secure Fence Act

This afternoon, President Bush signed the Secure Fence Act, hailed by Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite as a concrete step to secure America's borders. This fence will consist of physical fences, unmanned aerial vehicles and electronic sensors on the most porous 700 miles of the United States southern border. "Americans want real border security now," said Rep. Brown-Waite. "I heard from nearly 25,000 5th District residents about the need for tighter border security, and almost unanimously, they oppose the Senate's amnesty bill and favor the House's approach to close our borders first and the Secure Fence Act will stem that tide and help protect law-abiding American citizens."

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Future Transportation Maps

For people interested in the long range transportation plans and roadway network for Hernando County, Mr. Ronald Pianta, planning director for the county has offered an invitation to attend two workshops for public input. For citizens that are concerned with the future roadway network plans for Hernando County, here is your chance to voice your opinion:

  • Hernando County Commission Chambers/20 North Main Street, Brooksville
  • Thursday, October 26, 2006 from 3-5 p.m.
  • Monday, November 6, 2006 at 5 p.m
  • Contact Jim King, 754-4057, ext. 28020

This workshop will discuss the Functionally Classified Roadway map 2025, the Highway Network Map 2025, and the Buildout Thoroughfare Map under consideration for updating the comprehensive plan.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Russell endorses Ginny Brown-Waite

Florida Representative David Russell became concerned in his bid for Hernando County Commission when he was asked the question why was he running against Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite. David Russell wants the voters to know that Ginny has his firm support for re-election and clearly understands the confusion since his last name is the same as Ginny's opponent. David and Ginny have worked together quite well over the last decade protecting the interests of Hernando County, like funding for the future expansion of the County Line Road project, at the state and federal level. Retiring as distinguished member of the Florida House of Representatives, David Russell wants to make it clear to voters that he supports the Ginny Brown-Waite Campaign by his endorsement of her re-election to Congress.

Gubernatorial election

Last week the Tampa Bay Business Journal ran a survey question about the race for Florida's governor. The question was, "Who will you vote for in the gubernatorial election?" The results:

  • 56% - Charlie Crist
  • 41% - Jim Davis
  • 2% - Other

Monday, October 23, 2006

Kitchen table politics...

Last year, the Honorable Steven Rushing was appointed by Governor Jeb Bush to serve as a judge for circuit court. When Judge Rushing was sworn into office he became ineligible to participate in any partisan events, clubs, or political party activities by Florida State Statutes. Shortly after his appointment, Judge Rushing's wife, Mia, emerged on the local political scene, throwing herself into activities like the Nature Coast Federated Republican Women's organization and fund raising for Republican candidates. Mrs. Rushing has a guest column in the Hernando Today to occasionally to voice her opinion on what she perceives as political facts. Mia Rushing's articles clearly outline her right wing conservative point of view. Keeping in the spirit of the family, Timothy Rushing, the offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Rushing, is now a political cartoonist for the Hernando Today. Timothy cartoons have been what one would call equal opportunity cartoons, with arrows being flung to both sides of the isle. For example, his cartoons have attacked Rose Rocco, Democratic candidate for county commission, as well as sitting Republican county commissioner, Jeff Stabins. Ms. Rocco was portrayed as a puppet of Diane Rowden and as a unveiled rat in another cartoon. Timothy Rushing's cartoons have advocated the over throw Jeff Stabins several times. In fact, the cartoon in yesterday's paper depicted the demise of Jeff Stabins in the 2008 election. It will be interesting to see if these ominous caricatures of local political figures by Timothy Rushing include his father, Stephen, when he runs for re-election. Tip O'Neal coined the phrase that all politics are local which has proved to be true in many ways. Local politics usually begin in the home, and this is how the phrase "kitchen table politics" was labeled during the Clinton administration. Keeping it all in the family with the non-partisan judge, the political activist, and the equal opportunity political cartoonist. What a wonderful country we live in where someone can have his cake, and eat it too!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Big time

The local Bandshell Bash made the big time by winning the 2006 Roy F. Kenzie Cultural Enhancement Award. This award was presented to Brian Brijbag, on behalf of the city of Brooksville, at the Florida Redevelopment Association Conference in Miami yesterday. Brian was quite gracious when accepting this recognition, stating that this was truly a community award for the efforts of the Bandshell Bash committee, the Hernando County Fine Arts Council, and all the local businesses and individuals that participate in this monthly event. The Florida Redevelopment Association brings together professionals involved in preserving Florida communities, and their main goal is urban revitalization. It was fabulous that our town was recognized for the achievements of these fine folks. Congratulations to all the hardworking individuals that make the bandshell Bash a success each month!

Poll has Ginny at 56%

WFLA TV was the sponsor of Survey USA Election Poll for the 5th Congressional District. This poll was conducted September 17-19, with pollsters contacting 1000 individuals. Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite held a substantial lead with 56%, with John Russell (D) trailing far behind at 40%, with 4% still undecided. If you would like to check out the complete breakdown of this survey, click on the attached link: http://www.surveyusa.com/client/PollReport.aspx?g=e9237405-b939-4780-b77f-6fbb050672e4

Real change of pace

This afternoon, my husband and I had a real change of pace from our usual brown bag lunch. We attended a concert in the park on Ft. Dade which was sponsored by the Hernando County Fine Arts Council. As we munched on a catered lunch from a local restaurant, we listened to the music of Nova Era. This 3-piece combo played classical music with a modern upbeat tempo. The group's members were dressed in Victoria costumes, included the white powdered wigs of that era. About 75 people had gathered on the lawn to casually eat lunch and enjoy the music of Nova Era. The participating restaurants were Mallie Kylas Cafe, Main Street Eatery and the Sunrise Cafe. What a nice way to spend our lunch time. Thanks go out to Linda Anderson, treasurer of the HCFAC, who worked so hard to organize this event.

Health Fair

Make sure that you mark your calendars for the annual Hernando County Health Fair that will take place on October 28th, from 10 a.m. to 2 pm., at the Elk's Club on SR50 (not far from the parkway). This free health fair is being sponsored by Oak Hill, Brooksville, and Spring Hill Regional Hospitals, along with the Hernando County Health Department. The health department will be administering flu shots for $25.00. Professionals will be on site to answer your health care questions.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite has been endorsed by IMP-PAC. IMP-PAC is under the umbrella of the organization, It's My Party, Too. Christine Todd Whitman, the former governor of New Jersey, and former a member of President Bush's Cabinet for Environmental Protection, founded "It's My Party, Too". This organization provides a place for moderate Republicans to reach out to one another and support those that believe in basic Republican principals of fiscal responsibility, engaged foreign policy, strong national defense, personal freedom and protecting our environment, without engaging in social conservative agenda.

NRA Endorsements

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has published their endorsement of candidates for the 2006 election cycle. Listed below are the NRA's candidates of choice:

  • Charlie Crist /Governor
  • Tom Lee / CFO
  • Charles Bronson / Commissioner of Agriculture
  • Bill McCollum / Attorney General
  • Katherine Harris / US Senate
  • Ginny Brown-Waite / US House of Representatives

For the latest in NRA election news related information, please visit their website at www.nrapvf.org

Skipping the election?

If you are contemplating the thought of skipping this election, and not casting your ballot on November 7th, please consider the following quote by Sara Brady, "This is the opportunity we've been waiting for." Senator Charles Shumer (D) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) are masterminding a campaign to overturn the pro-gun majority and here is just a small taste of what may be in store for us:
  • Federal Arsenal License: to possess more that 20 firearms a special $300 "federal arsenal license" will be required along with law enforcement approval and extensive background check
  • To get the "arsenal license" you have to allow home inspections by BATFE agents 3 times a year
  • Small caliber pistols and revolvers would be banned
  • Ammunition determined to be non-sporting would be banned & magazines could only hold six rounds
  • Waiting periods and gun rationing would take place with a national 7-day wait period
  • Registration combined with fingerprinting, fees, and fire safety courses, to obtain two year licenses

Former President Ronald Reagan said it best, "You won't get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There's only one way to get real gun control: disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up, and if you don't actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time".

Citrus County Forum

Last night I attended a forum at the Citrus County National Guard Armory to hear the judicial and congressional candidates. This standing room only event was hosted by Citrus County Chronicle and firm rules were implemented to insure all the candidates were given a fair opportunity to make their presentations without being heckled by the audience. The audience did its best to comply with rules by using signs to make a point instead of heckling the opposition candidates. The judicial candidate's from Hernando County were Jeff Kirk and Daniel Merritt, Jr. who both gave a 5 minute presentation to introduce themselves to Citrus County voters. Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite did a dynamic job with her statements, along with giving in-depth answers to questions asked by the panel. Our congresswoman gave clear, precise answers for the comprehensive energy bill passed by the House; why veterans should support her in this election; and her firm position on the illegal alien problems facing this country. Mr. Russell used his time to personally attack Mrs. Brown-Waite and then danced around the questions. Although the audience was packed, the support was obvious for Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite by the sea of waving signs. Just a note that I thought was interesting about the Citrus County election is that they elect their mosquito control directors by district and the pay is $4,800 a year...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Public service announcement

I received this public service announcement from Senator Paula Dockery's office this afternoon and thought you might find it helpful in case of an vehicle accident:

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles now offers an emergency contact information registration. The idea being that if you are ever in an accident and are injured and unable to speak the officer will be able to type your driver's license number into his computer and, if you have registered your emergency contact information on the DHSMV website, they will be able to pull up your contact information immediately. By having access to this information at the accident site they will be able to save time if you are seriously injured by being able to contact someone who can make decisions about your care.

The link below will direct you to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles website

Way to go, girls!

Weeki Wachee, Mayor Robyn Anderson appeared this morning on Fox News Network program Fox and Friends. The show was being aired at the Don Cesar on St. Petersburg Beach. Robyn looked magnificent representing her tiny city of Weeki Wachee, as she read a proclamation to Fox for their tenth birthday celebration. The proclamation said, in part, that Weeki Wachee recognized Fox News for their achievements as being number one on land and at sea. The camera panned on her mermaids swimming in the Don Cesar's pool, as Mayor Robyn spoke with Steve Duecie about Weeki Wachee. Way to go girls!

Monday, October 16, 2006

4/5's majority

The following is an email that I sent to Commissioner Jeff Stabins this morning concerning 4/5's majority vote for the comprehensive plan on tomorrow's agenda:

October 16, 2006

Commissioner Jeff Stabins:

Although I will be unable to attend tomorrow's county commission meeting due to a prior commitment, I would like to offer you my support for the 4/5's majority vote approval of new comprehensive plan amendments.

The Hernando County Chamber of Commerce has voiced their opposition to this 4/5 majority plan in the newspaper this morning. As a long time member of this organization, please be assured that they do not speak for me personally, or for my business, on this critical issue. The local Chamber of Commerce need only look to Hillsborough and Collier counties to understand that this ordinance will not impede the planning process, nor will it impede future growth within Hernando County.

As a republican, I also do not agree with the logic of Mrs. Trinque of the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee citing a 4/5's vote will empower the minority over the majority with a 5 member county commission. I tend to look at it from the perspective of true representative government instead of having a myopic view of a 5 member board vote. I view it from the point that 4 of the 5 commissioners are on the board to represent their constituents, thusly representing 4/5's of the voting population of Hernando County.

Good luck tomorrow and stand tall with Teddy Roosevelt.
Anna Liisa Covell

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Founder's kick-off events...

The Founder's Day parade for the city of Brooksville was a smashing success yesterday. The crowd was pleased to watch the vintage cars, period costumes and Civil War re-enactors, all with the fire trucks blaring as they drove the parade route. I think the fireman had just as much fun as did the children watching the parade. Hernando High and Central High bands were on hand, as well as the Young Marines and the Navy ROTC. There were many more in the parade, from politicians to policeman, and it was a great kick-off for Founder's week. After the parade, proclamations were read on the city hall lawn by Mayor Joe Johnston and County Commission Chair Diane Rowden. Barbara Manual, manager of WWJB, then lead everyone in singing Happy 150th Birthday to the city as they served a beautiful homemade cake. This afternoon the Hernando County Fine Arts presented a street dance with the Charlie Vegas 5-piece Swing Band. As this band played rhythm and blues, the crowd danced on Russell Street to their tunes. The crowd was moderate but busy all afternoon enjoying the music, food and cold, Coca-Cola products (I had to mentioned that since I manned the Coke wagon for the HCFAC). Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite popped in for a few minutes, as did County Commissioner Nancy Robinson and Mayor Joe Johnston. Everyone had a great time and vowed that next year's event would be even bigger and better than this year.

Thought provoking...

Several weeks ago, Newt Gingrich made a very thought provoking statement on Fox News Network. The former Speaker of the House said, "Have you ever noticed that when Republicans stand in firing squad it is usually done in a circle". The Republican party has been historically known as the leaders in positive solutions. Isn't it about time the Republicans stand up for their accomplishments since September 11th like our strong economy, lower fuel costs, low unemployment, lower taxes, Medicare prescription plans, etc., etc., etc., instead of allowing the opposing party drive the debate?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Deranged individual

This afternoon I was privy to some very disturbing information about a candidate forum that took place last night at the Beverly Hills Civic Association in Citrus County. Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite was invited to speak at this forum, along with her democratic opponent, John Russell. Apparently they were scheduled to speak last due to their earlier commitment at the Hernando County Chamber of Commerce forum. It seems that John Russell lost total control of himself during this forum in Citrus County and began yelling at the audience. Mr. Russell's bad behavior included the intentional berating of a mother of a soldier currently serving in Iraq. Apparently he took this opportunity to yell at her, using the microphone to increase the rage in his voice. As if this behavior wasn't despicable enough, Mr. Russell also took the opportunity to flip off some members of the audience. Mr. Russell was so out of control that he would not relinquish the floor when his allotted time was up. Greg Hamilton, the Citrus Times Editor of Editorials was seen shaking his head in his hands at the unbelievable behavior of this candidate. At the conclusion of Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite's presentation, the majority of the audience got up and walked out while Mr. Russell continued his tirade at the remaining members of the audience. One brave individual in a wheelchair went directly to the stage to confront this deranged individual at the conclusion of the event. It is a sad day when our democratic process is subjected to a candidate with such low moral fiber. Do we really need an individual like this representing us in Congress for the 5th district of Florida? I think not...

Fun things this weekend!

For those of you that think there is nothing fun to do on weekends in Brooksville, think again. Tomorrow Brooksville kicks off Founder's Week celebrations with a parade up Howell Avenue to city hall at 10 a.m. Stick around city hall for the delicious birthday cake after the parade. The Bandshell Bash begins at 4 p.m. and will feature the Taste of Hernando, along with some really fine music. Make sure that you plan on attending "Swing Time at the Station" on Russell Street on Sunday from 4 to 8 p.m. at the old railroad depot. This event will be a street dance sponsored by Hernando County Fine Arts and the Brooksville Historical Society. Charlie Vegas 5-piece swing band will provide the music. See you all there!

Candidates strut their stuff...

Last night's forum, presented by the Hernando County Chamber of Commerce, was the last big event for candidates to strut their stuff before election day on November 7th. Editors, Robert Nolte and Mike Konrad, from the Hernando Today and Hernando Times, respectively, did an excellent job asking the tough questions of these candidates. Chris Pipinger, chair of the Chamber's governmental affairs committee, was exceptional as the monitor.
The presentation of Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite was superior to that of her opponent. Ginny confidently addressed her accomplishments during her past two terms and was resolute in her determination to face the challenges of two more years as our congresswoman.
Robert Schenck tackled the tough questions by the editors easily with his well thought out campaign platform of lower taxes and insurance reform. Mr. Schenck is clearly the candidate to keep your eye on as our next state representative for district 44.
The county commission candidates fielded a host of questions, ranging from tax reduction, to ways of coping with our explosive growth in Hernando County. The candidates were fairly well matched, with the exception of district 4 race. David Russell's distinguished experience and knowledge of growth management issues proved that he is the candidate of choice in this race. In district 2, neither candidate hit a home run, so to speak, but each expounded on their platforms. Rose Rocco clearly defined her opposition of the recent milage rate reduction while Nancy Robinson voiced her support for tax relief for our citizens.
The only school board candidate worthy of our attention is John Druzbick. Mr. Druzbick gave a powerful presentation of the positive accomplishments of our school district while outlining his blueprint for the future.
Council candidate for the city of Brooksville, Lara Bradburn, displayed her firm grasp of the needs for the city's future, unlike her opponent's novice approach. Ms. Bradburn's past, and current, volunteer efforts with the city give her the experience necessary to lead the city for the next four years.
As we wind down to election day, a special thanks needs to be expressed to all the candidates who have invested their efforts in campaigning for the improvement of our community.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Federal deficit fell to 4-yr. low

Here is something that should have made headline news but only got a byline column in the business edition of the Times this morning:

The federal deficit fell to a four-year low in the budget year that just ended, a result President Bush pointed to Wednesday in claiming Republicans are better stewards of the economy than are Democrats. The administration said the deficit dropped to $247.7-billion---welcome news for Republicans struggling to keep control of Congress. Democrats said the improvement in the 2006 federal deficit was a temporary blip.

New Publix

On October 26th, the new Publix store in Brooksville (SR50 & SR41) will officially open for business. The old store will close early on the 25th to make final preparations for this new store. The new store will have an improved dairy isle, meat counter, larger deli and bakery. As a long time shopper at the old store it will be a pleasure, as the Publix slogan goes, to shop in this new store!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fingering-pointing, tongue-wagging

Is anyone ready for this year's election season to be over? Are you growing weary of finger-pointing, flip-flopping candidates talking about everything except the issues? It seems that candidates are resorting to the he-said, she-said politics of pointing fingers, as we move closer to the General Election. This finger-pointing, tongue-wagging method of political campaigns has become common place nationwide and it is no different here in Hernando County. Another common practice of candidates, nationwide and locally, is to waffle on important issues placed at their doorstep, as their campaigns wind down to the 11th hour. The term flip-flop was coined during the 2004 presidential race to describe Senator John Kerry. In fact, the Online definition of flip-flop is a sudden real or apparent change of policy or opinion. Usually it will occur during the period prior to an election in order to maximize the candidates' popularity. This flip-flop label was originally used to attack politicians for making election policies that they either had no intention of keeping, or decided not to keep for political convenience. Sometimes the label of flip-flop is unfairly placed on candidates by the mass media with the intent to sway public opinion. For instance, Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite is an example of the negative media influence that has attempted to distort her position on the war in Iraq. Brown-Waite has been very clear from the beginning of the war and has always kept her constituent's informed on her position. During her two terms in office as our congresswoman Ginny has effectively governed in a non-partisan fashion to fairly represent the interests of her district. Sometimes the flip-flop label is appropriate though when a candidate makes a firm statement on an issue before the Primary Election and then decides to take a "wait and see" approach if successful in the General Election, like Rose Rocco, Jaime Wrye and David Russell who are all candidates for county commission. The public is hungry for honest candidates that are committed to keeping truthful campaign pledges, even if it is the unpopular thing to do...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

If you plan on voting in the General Election on November 7th, today is the last day to register at the Hernando County Supervisor of Election's office!

Hinged on money...

Last Saturday's edition of the Hernando Today ran two stories referencing Hernando County Fire Rescue. The articles were titled, "High Point firefighters' judgment questioned, fire chief fears life will be lost", and "Fire guts house, kills dog". It seemed rather ironic that in the lead story Chief Nickerson/HCFR expressed fear that life will be lost at High Point unless a modern fire service is established when the second article listed the death of dog from a fire which gutted a house in Weeki Wachee. Incidently, the gutted house fire in Weeki Wachee was fought by Chief Nickerson's professional firefighters from Hernando County Fire Rescue. Chief Nickerson has been questioning the expertise of High Point volunteer firefighters and has renewed his call for a swift takeover by his paid professionals from Hernando County Fire Rescue in an email to county administrator, Gary Kuhl. At their October 17th meeting, the Hernando County Commissioners should ask Chief Nickerson if his prime motive for writing this letter hinged on money. Hernando County Fire Rescue stands to gain a windfall of $254,883.10 from High Point residents if the commissioners discontinue their volunteer units.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Founder's week

An action-packed week of festivities will be kicked off with the Founders Day Parade on October 14th. This year's Founder's Day celebration will mark the 150th birthday of the city of Brooksville. The schedule of all the events can be accessed at the city of Brooksville's website which is http://www.ci.brooksville.fl.us/

Browning Family

The Browning family will dedicate their building on its 100th year with a bronze plaque. This dedication will take place on October 18, 2006 at 4:30 p.m. The Browning building is located at 1 North Main Street which is directly across the street from the old courthouse in downtown Brooksville. This dedication by the Browning family is listed an official event during Founder's Week that marks the 150th birthday of the city of Brooksville.

Florida Scenic Highway

On November 3rd, at 1 p.m., a designation ceremony will take place at Anderson Snow Park to name the Suncoast Parkway as a Scenic Highway. The FDOT, along with the officials from Hernando, Hillborough and Pasco County, will be on hand for this dedication. Food and refreshments will be served as the Scenic Highway Corridor Advisory Group unveils a sample sign post to commemorate the Suncoast Parkway as a Florida Scenic Highway.

Proposed amendments

The General Election ballot on November 7th will list eight proposed constitutional amendments. A voter guide for these amendments can be viewed at www.VoteSmartFlorida.org

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Strong arm tactics?

As an ardent supporter of Tri-County Volunteer Fire Department, I have been following the news about all our volunteer fire departments in Hernando County for a number of years. Masaryktown was the first department to be shut down by the county in the late 1990's. Hernando County Commissioners then tried to eliminate the Tri-County Volunteer Department's service in the Nobleton/Istachatta but the people fought back to save to their volunteer department. These same citizens used the power of the ballot box in 2000 to eliminate the commissioners that tried to shut down Tri-County Volunteer Fire Department.
It now looks like the High Point Volunteer Fire Department is in the sights of County Commissioner Diane Rowden as the next to go on the chopping block. Ms. Rowden has been quite vocal in her plans to eliminate this volunteer department and have the Hernando County Fire Rescue assume the duties for this community.
This morning's edition of Hernando Today ran two articles about the High Point Volunteer Fire Department, one positive and one negative. By reading the information in the one article, I could only assume that the residents of High Point are ecstatic with the initial report by the state Fire Marshall that gave their department a passing grade. The other article tried to insinuate that the High Point Volunteers were using less than savory collection methods for their yearly fire dues. Commissioner Rowden was quoted as saying the volunteers were using extortion, and strong arm tactics, to force money out of the residents for fire dues. This was an interesting comment by Ms. Rowden. If you think about it, Hernando County does the same thing for delinquent fire dues listed on our non-Ad Valorem portion of property taxes. If someone does not pay their property taxes, the county can levy your property and sell it on the courthouse steps by auction. Historically speaking, who is next on the list for volunteer take over? Will it be Hernando Beach Volunteer Fire Department?
Why did we pay $100K for a consultant to supply a Hernando County Fire Master Plan, if premature decisions are going to take place to skew the results before it is completed by Karen Nicolai's committee?

Upcoming Candidate Forum

The Greater Hernando Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with the Hernando Builders Association and Hernando Realtors Association, will host a General Candidate Forum on Thursday, October 12th beginning at 6 p.m. in the County Commission Chamber. Candidates will be on hand early to meet and greet the citizens beginning at 5 p.m. In the event you are unable to attend, this forum will be broadcast on the Hernando County Government, Channel 19.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tony Marrero of the Hernando Today for his article this morning titled, "Bloggers sound off on local issues". It was a sincere privilege to be interviewed by this nice young man, and I am humbled by the attention given to my blog site by the Hernando Today. My sincere thanks again, Anna Liisa

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Thanks, Debbie!

This morning's editorial column, "It's a shelter, not corporate welfare" by Jeff Webb in the Hernando Times hit the nail on the head. After the last several days of negative news articles and radio frenzy, it was time to turn down the volume and put some sanity into this serious issue confronting Hernando County. Does anyone recall the large number of deaths in nursing facilities during Hurricane Katrina? We certainly do not need a tragedy like the one seen in New Orleans here at home. Who will take care of the most fragile citizens in our county in the event of a disaster? The answer is we all should be responsible for the most vulnerable of our society.
This morning at the BCC meeting, Garth Coller clarified the use of public funds for this special needs shelter, saying it was for a public purpose to protect the special needs of citizens during hurricanes. Our community needs to move forward on this project and certainly does not need any further misrepresentation of the facts by interim Commissioner Hogan. Tom Leto, Emergency Management Coordinator indicated that a special needs shelter of this caliber will certainly be state mandated in the very near future so Hernando County will be ahead of the curve with minimal investment.
Oak Hill is graciously donating the land, along with recurring costs, for the Enrichment Center to development this special needs shelter. The one time investment by the county of $400K will be recouped in Ad Valorem taxes paid by Oak Hill Hospital. Debbie Walker-Druzbik is working tirelessly to lobby private business for their contributions to make this project a reality. Senator Mike Fasano was recently quoted as saying, the $400,000 pledged by the board of county commissioners is a necessary expense that will certainly benefit the most vulnerable residents. Many community and government leaders have jumped on board to get this project off the ground like CCA, the builders association, the mining association and Coastal Engineering. Thanks, Debbie, for your hard work on this project!

Swing Time at the Station

Come join the fun for an old-fashioned street dance on Russell Street in downtown Brooksville on October 15th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. "Swing Time at the Station" is being sponsored by the Hernando County Fine Arts Council, and the Brooksville Historical Society, during Heritage Week. The old railroad depot platform on Russell Street will serve as a bandstand for the Charlie Vegas Swing Band. Warm up your dancing shoes to jitterbug to the tunes of this spectacular 5 piece swing band. Make sure that you bring your lawn chairs to casually relax while feasting on hot dogs, sausage, and Coca-Cola served up by the volunteers of the two non-profit organizations. Just make sure that you save room for the ice cream social. To reminisce about the era, an array of classic cars will be on hand for your viewing pleasure as you enjoy this wonderful event. All proceeds for food sales will benefit the Hernando County Fine Arts and the Brooksville Historical Society.